Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Caffeine and Pregnancy

Caffeine and Pregnancy

In recent years, research has emerged demonstrating that coffee, in moderation—may have a number of previously unrecognized health-promoting properties.

However, it's important to understand that coffee is both a potent drug, and a whole food provided it's organically grown. The drug element of coffee can present problems for pregnant women.

Caffeine can significantly impact the growing fetus as it is able to freely pass through the placenta, and since caffeine does not provide any benefits to your baby, only potential hazards, it is strongly recommend that pregnant women avoid ALL forms of caffeine.

Unfortunately, most people (pregnant or not) use coffee for its energy-boosting properties, which can end up serving as a band-aid for poor nutrition. If you're supplying your body with the nutrients it needs, you simply won't need the extra energy boost.

If this sounds like you, you may want to consider taking a look at your dietary habits. Proper nutrition clearly becomes even more important when pregnant or planning a pregnancy.

Coffee in Pregnancy Tied to Smaller, Later Newborns

In a recent Norwegian study, which included data on nearly 60,000 women, coffee and other caffeinated beverages increased the odds of delivering a low birth weight baby and/or extended the gestation period.

Lead researcher Dr. Verena Sengpiel, an obstetrician/gynecologist believes women are advised to limit their caffeine intake.  


Higher caffeine consumption was found to be associated with an increased risk for reduced birth weight. Every 100 mg of caffeine consumed by the mother per day equated to a nearly one ounce reduction in the baby's weight at birth. Every 100 mg of caffeine also increased the length of the pregnancy by five hours.

Interestingly, when the source of the caffeine was coffee, the length of the pregnancy was extended by eight hours. The reason for this difference is unknown. Seeing how your average cup of coffee contains anywhere between 95-200 mg of caffeine, it may be best to err on the side of caution.

We do know that caffeine crosses the placenta and the baby is not able to metabolize it very well, it may affect some of the factors associated with growth.

Caffeine During Pregnancy May Damage Your Baby's Heart

Previous animal research from 2009 found that drinking the equivalent of just two cups of coffee while pregnant could be enough to affect long-term heart function of the offspring. They also found that this minimal exposure could lead to increased levels of body fat in males, when compared to offspring not exposed to caffeine in the womb. Scott Rivkees, Yale's Associate Chair of Pediatric Research and a senior researcher on the study.

"Our studies raise potential concerns about caffeine exposure during very early pregnancy, but further studies are necessary to evaluate caffeine's safety during pregnancy."

"Caffeine is everywhere: in what we drink, in what we eat, in pills that we use to relieve pain, and even in candy... This report shows that despite popular notions of safety, there's one place it probably shouldn't be: in the diet of an expectant mother."

When You're Eating for Two...

There is rarely a more nutritionally demanding time during a woman's life than pregnancy (and later breastfeeding), when your intake of nutrients from foods and supplements are needed not only to keep your body running but also to nourish and support your rapidly growing baby. Proper nutrition is crucial at all stages of fetal development, and if mom doesn't eat right, her growing baby won't either.

If you're a woman in your childbearing years and you're planning to have children any time soon, it's imperative that you start eating healthy now. Research7 published just last year showed that women who ate a vegetable-rich diet during the year before pregnancy had a significantly lower risk of having a baby with certain birth defects as women who ate an unhealthy high-sugar diet.

Crucial Nutrients for Pregnant Women (and Women of Childbearing Age)

Healthy nutrition cannot be limited to a handful of nutrients; it can only be achieved by eating a variety of whole, high-quality foods daily. I cannot stress this enough, as if you seek to make up for a diet of processed foods by taking a multi-vitamin or eating a salad here and there, you are deceiving yourself and missing the point -- and the benefits.

·         Fermented Foods and/or Probiotics: Nearly everyone can benefit from optimizing the balance of good vs. bad bacteria in their gut using probiotics, but if you are pregnant or planning to be, this is of utmost importance to you and your new baby. One of the best ways to do this is to avoid sugar and processed foods and to include fermented foods in your diet. A high-quality probiotic supplement is an option, especially if you don't eat many fermented foods.

·         Vitamin D:  Your main source of it should be from the sun, not from food. Supplementation may be necessary in winter months.

·         Vitamin B12: B12 is critical for normal neurological development and maintenance, and shortages can result in permanent birth defects.

·         Folate in the form of Metafolate: Another B complex vitamin (vitamin B9), folic acid deficiency at the time of conception is known to increase the risk for birth defects such as spina bifida. 

·         Animal-based Omega-3 Fats: Most women have major deficiencies of animal-based omega-3 fat like EPA and DHA, which is unfortunate because fetal cells cannot form omega-3 fats, meaning a fetus must obtain all of its omega-3 fatty acids from mother's diet. DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) is so essential to a child's development that if a mother and infant are deficient in it, the child's nervous system and immune system may never fully develop, and it can cause a lifetime of unexplained emotional, learning, and immune system disorders. Studies have shown that sufficient levels of omega-3 fats optimize brain growth in children, especially during the third trimester. But because the fetus depends on the mother's DHA sources, the constant drain on a mother's DHA reserves can easily lead to a deficiency and some researchers believe that preeclampsia (pregnancy-related high blood pressure) and postpartum depression could be linked to a DHA deficiency. The DHA in animal-based omega-3 fats will also help to prevent the vast majority of premature deliveries.
Dr. Stephen Kelly is located at Family First Chiropractic. www.family1stchiro.ca 403-347-3261. 142 Erickson Dr. Red Deer

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


MOM!!!  Please take me out of the car seat- I can’t breathe

Many mothers complain that their babies appear to be overtired and irritable with many thinking that it is colic.  A study on 200 infants has shown that infants in a bucket type car seat for prolonged periods can cause oxygen deprivation. A simple car seat insert that maintains a baby’s head in a neutral position without its chin touching its chest reduces the severity of hypoxic events while the infant is in the car seat, but does not reduce the overall number of hypoxic events. Often the babies head flops forward or off to the side occluding the airway causing lack of oxygen to baby. Many parents will use head supports to prevent the flopping forward but ultimately the best idea so your child have sufficient oxygen is limiting car seat time by shorter travel times- meaning more stops along the route and limiting ‘bucket seat time’. Other ways to decrease the time in the seat is to remove the child from the car seat when you have arrived at your destination and carry the child- remove them from the car seat and carry or baby wear your child- especially if they are sleeping. According to the study, reported online in Pediatrics, mean oxygen saturation declined significantly following 60 minutes in a car bed (96.3%) and 60 minutes in a car seat (95.7%), compared with 30 minutes in a hospital crib (97.9%, P<0.001).The average minimal oxygen saturation and total time spent with an oxygen saturation below 95% also differed significantly in car seats or car beds, versus a hospital crib. Similar results came from a study of 50 infants who stayed in each position for 120 minutes. The cars seat is only designed for car travel and not meant to replace the bed itself. In their report, the authors of the study noted that previous research has shown that healthy infants may develop respiratory compromise while in car seats. The results give pause for concern because "even mild airway obstruction has been associated with behavioral problems and IQ deficits," the authors said. Car beds and seats "are often used for many hours at a time for reasons other than travel," they added. "Infants placed in these devices for prolonged periods of time are, thus, at increased risk for recurrent hypoxic events."The researchers concluded that because car seat use, even with an insert, is associated with an increase in desaturation events, caregivers should not use car seats to sleep infants outside of the car. They also should not keep infants in car seats for any longer than absolutely necessary and should always attend to them while they are in the devices.

Dr. Joelle Johnson practices at Family First Chiropractic and Wellness, 142 Erickson drive, Red Deer T4R 2X3



Randomized Controlled Trial of a Car Safety Seat Insert to Reduce Hypoxia in Term Infants

1.       Christine G. McIntosh, MBChBa,b,

2.       Shirley L. Tonkin, MBChBa,c, and

3.       Alistair Jan Gunn, MBChB, PhDa

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Back Tips


Back Tips

Back pain is one of those things that you don’t think about until it’s all you think about. When your back hurts, many other things suffer, too. Your energy is lower, your focus shifts and your favourite activities often become sidelined. Everyday activities such as getting in and out of the car, lifting a child or carrying groceries can become painful and exhausting. Even if you are not feeling sore, your back may potentially be stressed and headed toward injury

Indicators of a Healthy Back

1. Good posture

A healthy back can hold itself up straight with relatively little effort. Slouched posture puts stress on your spine, and even your organs. 

2. Ease of movement

Ease of movement means lack of stiffness or limitations when doing things like getting in and out of a chair or car, or bending over to pick up something. If you are usually stiff, your back may need a tune-up.

3. Range of motion

Range of motion is about your ability to bend and turn your torso.

For example, can you:

-Turn your chin to your shoulder?

-Go past your knees when bending forward to touch your toes?

-Reach your knees with your fingers when bending sideways?

-Tilt your head far enough back to see the ceiling without bending your back?

Reduced flexibility may be a sign that your spine isn’t moving properly. 

4. Performance

A healthy back should be able to sustain physical activities such as gardening or spring house cleaning, without being so sore the next day that you can hardly function. It’s OK to be a little stiff, but not to the point where you can’t move.


Tips for a Healthy Back

-Be aware of your posture when sitting, standing, and even sleeping – sleeping on your back or side is best for your spine.

-Build core muscle strength. This means the muscles in your abdomen, back and sides. These muscles are what hold your spine upright, and strength with them means less strain on your back.  

-Drink lots of water to keep the discs of your spine well hydrated, so they can do their job.

-Practice good nutrition for healthy bones and muscles, and to prevent osteoporosis. Take your vitamins and eat foods high in nutritional value to help supplement your growth and survival.

-Take frequent stretching breaks to keep your back limber. Any position for too long is bad for your back, so frequent breaks are optimal. Staying in shape and keeping your cardiovascular health maintained are both critical for general and back health.

-Practice safe lifting techniques. Keep your back straight, bend your knees and use your leg muscles to lift. Keep the C-curve in your lower back as you are lifting to prevent injury.

Think about your back before it hurts! A lack of pain does not mean everything is working properly. A spinal assessment, especially after a fall or sprain, is a good investment in your back’s health.

 We have three chiropractors here at Family First Chiropractic. To schedule an appointment with one of them call us at 403-347-3261. www.family1stchiro.ca 142 Erickson Dr, Red Deer AB


Canadian Chiropractic Association. 2013. http://www.chiropracticcanada.ca/en-us/backs-and-health/back-care-tips/healthy-back/back-tips.aspx

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Treating Mom and Baby with Craniosacral Therapy

Treating Mom and Baby

All moms want the best for their children.  We will do anything for our children, often forgetting our own needs.  I often see mothers bring in their baby or child with problems hoping that I can help.  I love treating children because we often see results quickly, if not immediately.  I tell parents the sooner you bring your child in for a treatment the better.  The thing we often forget as adults is to treat ourselves.  The stress of taking care of a newborn or sick child reflects in our bodies as well.  Giving birth is a traumatic experience, not only for the baby, but for the mother as well.  I like to recommend to new moms to try and find at least an hour to give to you to help release some of the trauma of birth.  Your child will benefit from your treatment as well.  At the very least CranioSacral therapy will help you relax and get your body to heal faster.  You will be a better and more relaxed mom for it.
Jeannette is in on Wed evenings and Sat. To book an appointment with her call 403-347-3261. Family First Chiropractic. www.family1stchiro.ca 142 Erickson Dr, Red Deer AB

Thursday, January 23, 2014


Helmet Time
Your brain is fragile. Very fragile. Although it’s enclosed within a rigid skull, it is still vulnerable to injury. Whether the damage is due to a direct contact or an acceleration-deceleration injury, a helmet can protect the brain by adding in an extra layer for the head. In the event of a crash, a properly fit helmet could mean the difference between life and death.

The hard, smooth outer shell works to distribute the force across the helmet and protects the helmet against sharp, penetrating objects. The inner foam is made of impact absorbing material and is made to break so that your skull doesn’t have to! As the foam compresses, it absorbs the force of the impact and lessens the force that hits your skull.
The purpose of a helmet is to minimize the amount of force transferred to the head in the event of an impact. A helmet can reduce your risk of sports injury by 30 per cent. Whether you enjoy biking, boarding, or blading in the summer or skiing, skating and sledding in the winter, pick the right helmet for the job and always wear it.

There are two basic types of helmets: single-impact and multiple-impact. It’s important to select a helmet that fits you properly and that is appropriate to the activity you’re doing. Single-impact helmets should be replaced if EVER in a crash. If the foam breaks, it is not able to protect the skull for the next crash.
Make sure you use the right helmet for the job. The type of helmet you use should be dependent on which activity you are doing. Bicycle, skiing and snowboarding helmets are designed to protect your head against a single hard impact. They should be replaced after they’ve been in one crash, even if there does not appear to be any damage. Hockey helmets are designed to withstand several impacts. Unlike a bike helmet, ski, snowboarding and hockey helmets protect the back of the head — which is especially important for winter sports.

While it may be tempting to buy a second-hand helmet or use a hand-me-down, plastic becomes brittle and weakens with age. Make sure you know the answer to two questions:

            1. Has this helmet been in a crash?

            2. Is it more than five years old?

If the answer to either of these 2 questions is yes, then do NOT purchase or use this helmet.

Also, older helmets may not meet current safety standards. Look for safety certification by CSA (Canadian Standards Association), or CPSC (Consumer Products Safety Commission).

Proper fit is just as important as choosing the right helmet. It should comfortably touch your head all the way around, and be snug enough to stay firmly in place. Your helmet should sit level on your head and ride as low as possible to protect the sides of your head.
We are open Mon through Sat and our number is 403-347-3261. Family First Chiropractic. 142 Erickson Dr, Red Deer. www.family1stchiro.ca



Tuesday, January 21, 2014

25 Ways to Use Thieves Essential Oil

Thieves essential oil blend was created based on the historical account of four thieves in France who protected themselves from the Black Plague with cloves, rosemary, and other aromatics while robbing victims of the killer disease. Here at the clinic, it is one of our more popular oils, especially around cold season. Here is a list of 25 ways to use Thieves essential oil.

25 Ways to Use Thieves Essential Oil
1.    Apply 1-3 drops to cuts or open wounds to prevent infection and promote healing.
2.    Mix with a tablespoon of water, gargle and swallow for a sore throat.
3.    Apply to upper chest and throat with V-6 Massage Oil for bronchitis. 
4.    Put a drop on your thumb and apply to the roof of your mouth for a headache.
5.    Put 4-8 drops in a capsule with olive oil and swallow daily for longevity.
6.    For acne, take internally and apply to the skin diluted with V-6 Massage Oil.
7.    Put a couple drops directly on the soles of your feet to protect you from colds and flu.
8.    Diffuse in your home to keep the germ count down.
9.    Breathe in the vapors when you have lung congestion.
10. Use to clean pet cages, creating a healthier environment for them.
11. Add a few drops to your dishwasher for cleaner dishes.
12. Add to your laundry cycle for cleaner clothes.
13. Add several drops to your mop water for cleaner floors.
14. Mix 8-12 drops with water in a 4 oz. spray bottle to repel insects on your flowers and plants.
15. Use to dissolve the gummy adhesive on price labels.
16. Apply to bee and wasp stings to neutralize the toxin and relieve the pain.
17. Apply to gums to prevent and treat gum disease.
18. Apply orally to maintain healthy teeth and reduce cavities.
19. Apply a drop or two to gums and teeth for pain relief from toothaches.
20. Diffuse 15-30 minutes daily in homes or business to solve mold problems.
21. Add 1 drop to orange juice and drink to reduce phlegm and congestion.
22. Apply to broken bones or joints with V-6 for pain relief and to hasten healing.
23. Put a drop in your cup of tea for flavor and to maintain health.
24. Put on the tip of your tongue to help you stop smoking.
25. Put on cold sores and cancer sores with V-6 to make them disappear.

Guy is in Mon, Wed-Fri. To book an appointment call us at 403-347-3261. www.family1stchiro.ca. 142 Erickson Dr, Red Deer, AB