Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Heanth Benefits of Green Tea

Health Benefits of Green Tea 

While several other “superfoods” have made recent headlines for their substantial health benefits, few can claim a list as long as that of green tea. As far back as 4,000 years ago, the Chinese and other ancient cultures were consuming green tea not only as a beverage, but also as a traditional remedy for everyday maladies like indigestion and gas, as well as to control bleeding and benefit the heart. What makes green tea so powerful is a high concentration of antioxidants called catechin polyphenols. Research shows that these compounds not only provide relief for many traditional ailments, but also reduce the risk for many chronic diseases and serious health problems. 


 Cancer is the big one and even if it were the only thing green tea was good for, it would clearly be worth including in your diet. Human studies have indicated that the a polyphenol known as epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) kills cancer cells and also prevents them from growing. Research in Japan indicates that increasing consumption of green tea before and after breast cancer surgery reduces the risk of a recurrence. Even two cups of green tea per day are thought to be enough to reduce the risk of lung cancer by around 18 percent. In addition, a synthetic version of EGCG was given to mice with prostate cancer, resulting in significant tumor shrinkage.
Weight Loss

 For those looking to shed a few pounds, much research has gone into green tea’s thermogenic properties. Studies indicate that the combination of caffeine and other compounds in the tea appears to boost metabolism, burn calories and break down fat. EGCG prevents the storage of fat by actually slowing down the gastric and pancreatic enzymes responsible for converting calories into fat in the first place. It also helps burn fat more efficiently by increasing the body’s natural energy expenditure by as much as 4 percent. When you factor in the appetite-suppressant properties of caffeine, it’s easy to see why so many of today’s diet supplements contain green tea extract. 


 Concerning diabetes, research has shown that green tea may well be one of the best things that you can include in your diet. Although there are two types of diabetes, the compounds present in the tea appear to have something to offer for each of them. Findings by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) show that EGCG can actually stimulate insulin production in the pancreas, regulate blood sugar levels and absorb glucose in those who suffer from type 1 diabetes. In type 2 sufferers, green tea can significantly lower the frequent blood sugar spikes that often lead to further complications in the eyes, heart and kidneys. In addition, green tea’s thermogenic effects also help to control obesity, which is thought to be a major contributing factor in developing diabetes.

Studies regarding the effect of green tea consumption on cholesterol appear to show that it lowers the level of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, which is considered the “bad” type of cholesterol, while raising the level of high-density lipoprotein (HDL), which is considered “good.” It appears that compounds in the tea block the absorption of cholesterol in the digestive tract, while simultaneously aiding in its excretion. In addition, green tea keeps your arteries clean by preventing the oxidization of LDL, which can build up as plaque, resulting in an increased risk of heart attack or stroke. 

Although black and oolong teas also have a great deal of health benefits to offer, the simple way that green tea is processed (by steaming the leaves) ensures that it retains a higher concentration of antioxidants, giving it a superior advantage in what it can do for your health. While there are several additional studies being conducted regarding its benefits in other areas such as the aging process, acne and even tooth decay, its effect on cancer and what it can do for the cardiovascular system outperform many of modern medicine’s experimental treatments. In the end, we may very well find out that green tea and other natural medicines of the ancient world hold far more promise in ridding us of some of our most menacing diseases, allowing us to live longer and healthier lives.

This information is brought to you by Family First Chiropractic and Wellness, located at 142 Erickson drive, Red Deer
PLease call 403-347-3261 to book an appointment today.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Babies cry for many reasons

Your infant crying immediately alerts you that there is something wrong in his or her world.

Is your newborn hungry? Tired? Needing a diaper change? Too Cold? Too hot? In pain?

Many first time parents find this guessing game a challenge but gradually as a routine establishes they learn to recognise what their infant’s cry means and how to satisfy their needs.  But what if you have done everything (including checking with doctor or health nurse) and your infant is still crying? Are there other reasons which cause your infant’s distress?

While Craniosacral therapy is of benefit to all babies it is especially helpful to a crying, upset and distressed baby. In my experience the following are the top three reasons for the distress that leads to your infant crying:

1.    Problems arising from the birth process.

2.    Problems with feeding and digesting.

3.    Problems with sleeping.

Infants may have one, or a combination, of the above problems to cause their crying. Let’s look at each one in turn and explore them further. You may recognise aspects of the problems that relate to your infant and why he/she is crying.

1. The Birth Process.
If there has been intervention during the birth (induction, caesarean section, vacuum or forceps) or a long and heavy labour – this, in some cases, may have an ill effect on the infant’s head and back. The bones of the skull and spine, the nerves and membranes are moved out of their correct position and so cause the infant discomfort.

While these interventions were necessary for the infant’s safe delivery the excess force can override the baby’s natural ability to allow these bones to slip back into their correct position. If this is a problem for your infant you may notice that your infant tends to turn only in one direction, doesn’t like to lie flat, wants to be held in an upright position or that there are obvious bumps, cone shape or depressions on the head. Some mums notice bruising or marks at side of the head.

When these restrictions are released with the subtle touch of Craniosacral therapy - the baby is happier, sleeps and feeds better and so doesn’t need to cry.

2.  Feeding and digesting.
As your infant learns to suck, swallow and breathe - their feeding pattern becomes established. Problems arise when there is a difficulty with any one of these steps. You may notice that your infant is not latching on correctly and is just using the lips to suck. This may cause sore nipples for mum and is not helping with milk flow. Check that you see the whole cheek is moving when sucking and, if breastfeeding, that the nipple is covered and no air is getting in.

In a Craniosacral treatment I would check that the bones in the mouth are free moving and this then corrects the suck. This is done with a gloved finger in the mouth and works on the bones of the palate as the baby is sucking. Often, it is this final correction done by the Craniosacral therapist that completes the process and allows the baby to feed easily.

3.  Problems with Sleeping.
Infants need lots of sleep. Look out for the signs of a sleepy infant (rubbing eyes) and always finish feeding, burping and diaper change before settling baby to sleep. Swaddling your infant provides security and helps him/her fall to sleep but check that they are not too hot. Some infants like to stay close to mum for the first few weeks but it pays to establish a good routine of putting baby into the crib to sleep when you both feel ready.

Some infants may still have difficulty getting to sleep despite mum and dad doing all of the above. Many of these children would have had a difficult birth and go on to develop problems with both feeding and sleeping before I first see them.

When I treat these children I check for any areas of tightness in their body. As these release the baby sighs and relaxes. If the birth has been distressing, we take time to check the effect this has had on the infant, mum (and dad too) if needed. This helps with the bonding process which in turn helps baby to feel more secure and mum to feel more competent. It is common for baby to sleep for a long time after a Craniosacral treatment.  Many parents report that they have had their first night sleep following this Craniosacral treatment.

In summary.
While it is ideal to get your infant’s crying problems sorted out as soon as possible after their birth, it is also possible to address these difficulties at any stage throughout your child’s development. I have found, through working with many upset babies – that Craniosacral therapy is a very gentle and effective way of getting baby more comfortable – and providing mum and dad with a practical way of dealing with the distress that leads to crying.

For more information on chiropractic or craniosacral therapy or to book an appointment please call us at Family First Chiropractic and Wellness, 142 Erickson drive, Red Deer 403-347-3261.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Headaches and massage


Ending the chronic cycle of headaches is easier than you think. A deep muscle therapy session on the upper back and neck will lengthen the muscles that cause "tension headaches." 

 Remove the knots in the upper back neck, bye bye headaches.

The treatment is 30 minutes and the results are immediate. Call the clinic and let me take care of it. Its that easy.
Guy Lacoursiere is located at Family First Chiropractic and Wellness, 142 Erickson drive, Red Deer 403-347-3261 call today to book an appointment.



Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Spring Renewal

Spring  Renewal
Spring has sprung!  Well actually it should spring any time now; just as soon as this snow melts.  After this especially long winter most of us are anxious to start enjoying the longer days and spending more time outdoors.   This spring try something new to renew yourself.
Try to make some time every day to spend outside.  It does not have to be a long time.  It does not have to be anything strenuous.  Just take the kids around the block to splash in the puddles.  Or be the first ones to slide down the slides.  Sometimes just 30 minutes can be enough to rejuvenate you for the rest of the day.  It will also help your children sleep better at night.
Plant something.  You can start from seed or go to the garden centre and buy something.   Getting your hands dirty, literally, can be very therapeutic.  Children really enjoy helping and seeing the fruits of their labours.  It is a fun way for the family to spend time together.
Finally, do not forget about taking some time for yourself.  Make some time for a walk, coffee with friends, or get a massage or CranioSacral treatment for yourself.  Your body and mind with thank you for taking care of yourself.  Your family will too.
To find out more about CranioSacral call us at 403-347-3261 Family First Chiropractic. www.family1stchiro.ca

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Vitamin K2

We have had a lot of enquiries about whether or not supplementation with Vitamin K2 is necessary when supplementing with Vitamin D3.

There is ample evidence to support the fact that Vitamin K2 is an essential nutrient (we cannot produce it ourselves and the K2 produced by our intestinal flora may not be absorbed adequately), and recent information seems to suggest that deficiency is likely common, especially in those following the food guide or food pyramid.

The problem I have with the recent Vitamin K2 craze is that there is virtually no evidence in the literature and ALL the studies regarding the benefits of Vitamin D3 supplementation do NOT INCLUDE ANY K2. Clearly there is HUGE benefit derived from vitamin D3 supplementation without K2 supplementation. Being sufficient in vitamin K2 is undoubtedly important, whether deficiency is common, and whether supplementation is required and produces benefit is something that, in my mind, requires more research.

If you are eating the Innate Diet or the Paleo Diet you will most likely not require supplementation with vitamin K2 as eating healthy meats, lots of egg yolks, and healthy organ meats will easily provide sufficient intake. In addition fermented foods such as sauerkraut and natto (a fermented soy dish), and cheese (not recommended) are also high in K2.

However, if you are not following this type of diet, or are not following this type of diet regularly enough, then supplementation can be prudent and there seems to be no evidence of toxicity from getting more than the current RDA (which ranges but is about 100 mcg per day).

Despite the seemingly “new” craze for vitamin K2 from the recent Mercola posting, the Weston A Price Foundation wrote a VERY informative article on this topic way back in February 2008 entitled ‘On the trail of the Elusive X-Factor: A Sixty-Two-Year-Old Mystery’. You can visit the website at www.westonaprice.org; the site has a lot of very good information.


The RDA for K2 differs from different sources; the average is about 100 mcg per day. Some suggest that you should take 100 mcg per 1000 IUs of vitamin D3 but there is no solid evidence to support this in the literature.

It appears that taking 200 mcg of K2 per day will meet metabolic requirements in terms of activating the K2-dependent proteins which are so crucial for calcium metabolism.


The form you want to supplement with is the menaquinone-7 or MK-7 which is derived from natto or soy rather than MK-4 which is most often found in the synthetic form in supplements. The extraction process results in the supplement being free from soy protein and you should definitely ensure that you are getting a product that was produced from NON-GMO soy or natto.


Since there is no evidence of danger from toxicity, since it is likely that many will not be getting sufficient amounts from their diet, and as you can obtain the supplement very inexpensively I do recommend supplementation with 200 mcg per day.

My family often eats dozens of egg yolks per week and we usually eat a LOT of healthy meats so we intermittently supplement with K2.

 Family First Chiropractic and Wellness is located at  142 Erickson drive, Red Deer 403-347-3261 to book an appointment today