Thursday, August 29, 2013

3 Times the Peril Triathlon Injuries

Triathlon Injuries

Triathlon is a sport that is growing in popularity and participation. Triathlon consists of swimming, cycling and running combined in varying distances.

Injuries usually occur as a result of an individual leg of the event or due to the physical strain of a combination of the three events. Over-use injuries are incredibly common due to the immense strain this competition places on the body. 
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A triathlon can range anywhere from 26km to a whopping 225km, and because of such the race can last anywhere from 1 to over ten hours. Therefore, because of the endurance and drastic demands this sport places on the body, injuries are plentiful.

In various studies, incidence of injuries in triathletes ranges from 37% to 91%. The majority of the injuries were non-impact in nature and instead were caused by overuse. The majority of injuries were related to running due to the high impact, stressful nature of the sport. However, cycling also reported high levels of injuries due to the highly repetitive training.

The most commonly affected site of injury was the lower extremity, including the ankle, foot, thigh and knee as the most vulnerable. Running seemed to create the greatest numbers of injuries in the lower extremity, cycling caused the majority of low back pain and swimming accounted for the majority of upper extremity injuries.

Almost 80% of all injuries occurred during training instead of during the competition itself, but if you compare per hour, there is a six-fold increase of injury during the competition. This is because people push themselves harder during the race, increasing the risk of injury.

There are also injuries that result from an accumulation of the three phases of the sport. These involve overuse musculoskeletal injuries and exhaustion-related conditions such as dehydration and hyponatremia. These conditions need to be addressed with the competitor, practitioner and coach.

Understanding the demands of the sport and working within the body’s limits are two important factors involved with the successful completion of triathlons.
Dr. Marlee is located at Family First Chiropractic. 403-347-3261. Red Deer.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Cerebrospinal Fluid

Cerebrospinal Fluid

Cerebrospinal fluid immerses the brain and spinal cord in essential nutrients, cleanses the brain and spinal cord of waste material, and flows throughout the body contributing to whole-body biochemical equilibrium. Imbalance of the autonomic nervous system can decrease the production of cerebrospinal fluid, which can lead to nutrient loss and toxicity of the brain or spinal cord, as well as biochemical and cellular stress throughout the body.

Cerebrospinal fluid is produced in four interconnected cavities within the brain, called ventricles. The autonomic nervous system controls the amount of cerebrospinal fluid that is created. Nerve fibers from two parts of the autonomic nervous system send signals to the ventricles.

The two autonomic nervous system parts are: the sympathetic, referred to as the “fight or flight” or “stress response” division; and the parasympathetic, called the “rest, digest and renew” or “healing” division.

The autonomic nervous system can become imbalanced due to things like infection, chronic pain, disease or stress. This can increase sympathetic division signals sent to the ventricles, which can lessen cerebrospinal fluid production by as much as 30%. On the other hand, parasympathetic signals sent to the ventricles increases cerebrospinal fluid production so the system can create the maximum amount for a healthy brain, spinal cord and body.

Reducing the body’s “stress response”, especially when a stressful state is chronic, helps to rebalance the autonomic nervous system. This can increase parasympathetic signals sent to the ventricles, which optimizes cerebrospinal fluid production. Then the brain, spinal cord and body as a whole can receive ideal levels of nutrition and cleansing.

Craniosacral Therapy is an effective method that can lessen stress, balance the autonomic nervous system, and optimize cerebrospinal fluid production and flow leading to optimal health, healing and well-being.
Jeannette Raskin is located at Family First Chiropractic, Red Deer. 403-347-3261.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Sprained Ankle

Sprained Ankle…Again!

Ankle sprains are the most common injuries in sport and are often recurrent in nature. It is estimated that ankle sprains range from 14% to 33% of all sports-related injuries. Reinjury is incredibly common and chronic functional instability is often present.

Since ankle sprains tend to recur, steps can be taken to prevent another sprain from occurring.

The most common ankle sprain is a lateral ankle sprain, which often occurs in a sports setting where the ankle is rolled outwards. This force causes injury to the ligaments on the outside of the ankle, which can lead to excessive motion in the ankle joint. This tissue injury results in pain, swelling and joint dysfunction, which includes poor control over the ankle joint.

Once the integrity of these ligaments has been compromised, dysfunction in the ankle joint can be chronic. Ligament laxity can lead to mechanical instability, which means that the joint will not be as strong. This leads to the potential for another ankle sprain to occur, even after the pain and swelling is gone.

Therefore, it may be more important to work on prevention rather than treatment of ankle sprains.

Some techniques that may be used to prevent ankle sprains include braces or external supports, and therapeutic proprioceptive exercise.

1. Ankle Supports

The use of ankle supports or taping is very common. Recently studies have revealed that external supports were significant in reducing ankle sprains in athletes with a prior history of ankle sprains. Rigid or semi-rigid braces were more effective in preventing ankle motion than taping. However, taping was used to enhance proprioceptive function of the injured ankle.

2. Rehabilitation

Function proprioceptive rehabilitation is a vital component of acute ankle sprain treatment. Also, proprioceptive training has also been found to be effective in protecting the joint from reinjury. Early mobilization after injury has been found to be preferable to prolonged immobilization. Motion is good.

Initially, reduction of swelling, inflammation and pain is crucial. Then it is important to restore full range of motion to the ankle joint. Next, it is important to strengthen the muscles in the ankle and the calf. After that, proprioceptive exercises can be introduced to restore balance, stability and function.
To book an appointment with Dr Marlee call us at Family First Chiropractic. 403-347-3261 in Red Deer.


Osborne, M.D. and T.D. Rizzo. Prevention and Treatment of Ankle Sprain in Athletes. 2003. Sports Medicine 33(15):1145-1150.


Tuesday, August 20, 2013

What is Kombucha?

What is Kombucha?

Recently we had a class at the clinic instructed by Tara Chaput about how to make Kombucha. Many people have questions about this amazing health drink. It is easy to make and has many health benefits.

We will be running another class October 8th, 2013 call us at Family First Chiropractic 403-304-7980 to book. Cost is 15.00 and includes a SCOBY.

Kombucha is a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast (SCOBY) that forms a zoolgleal mat. This unique beverage has been used for over 2000 years to improve health and fight against infection and chronic disease. The Ancient Chinese called Kombucha the "Immortal Health Elixer" as they revered it for its remarkable health benefits.

Kombucha cultures typically contains many strains of beneficial yeasts that turn sugar into alcohol. One particular strain of bacteria, Gluconacetobacter xylinus ferments the alcohol from the yeast into acetic acid.
Kombucha is loaded with organic acids, active enzymes, amino acids and polyphenol anti-oxidants. The most common components include the various organic acids such as acetic acid, butyric acid, usnic acid, oxalic acid, malic acid, gluconic acid and lactic acid. It also contains active enzymes and probiotics.
Kombucha is typically produced in a sweetened green, white or black tea. The best fermentation process uses an organic evaporated cane juice or honey although too much honey can disturb the stability of the culture. Most of the sugar will be remade into organic acids that blunt the blood sugar response so it is very low glycemic and non-inflammatory.

Improves joint function

Kombucha is rich in glucosamines which helps preserve cartilage structure and prevent joint degeneration. Glucosamines increase hyaluronic acid production within the joint which binds moisture thousands of times its weight in the joint cavity. This provides the joint with structure, moisture, lubrication and flexibility while protecting against free radical damage.

Improves digestion and immunity

Kombucha is loaded with probiotic bacteria and yeast that make their way into the gut and ward off parasites and pathogens. It is particularly good at minimizing Candida and improves digestion and nutrient assimilation. Kombucha enhances immunity by inoculating the gut with healthy microorganisms and providing anti-oxidants and enzymes.

Kombucha helps the body cleanse

This beverage is loaded with enzymes and organic acids that help to detoxify the body. This reduces the load on the pancreas, liver and kidneys and helps the body rid itself of unwanted wastes and destroy cancer cells. Kombucha is rich in glucaric acid which has potent anti-cancer activity.

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What You’ll Need:

Gallon sized glass jar

Filtered Water

Organic Cane Sugar

Organic Black Tea (loose or bags)

Scoby plus starter liquid

Large pot

Coffee filter and elastic band

Slotted spoon

Cheesecloth or a tea steeper (if using loose tea)


Kombucha Recipe:


3 L filtered water

1 cup organic cane sugar

4 organic black tea bags or 4 teaspoons of loose black tea


1/2 cup starter liquid with scoby

Boil 3 liters of water in a large pot. Add sugar and continue to boil until dissolved. Remove from heat and add tea. Steep for 15 minutes before straining. Let the tea cool in a gallon sized jar until room temperature. Add scoby as well as the starter liquid, cover with a coffee filter sealed with an elastic. Set in a warm (24-30 degrees C), dark place and leave it, undisturbed, for 10-15 days.


Testing Your Kombucha:

Begin testing your kombucha at day 7. Use a straw or turkey baster to remove some kombucha without disturbing the scoby. The kombucha should be acidic, not too sweet, and to your own liking. (if you wish to test with pH strips, it should read 2.8-3)

Finishing Your Kombucha:

Remove the scoby (mother and baby) from the jar along with 1 cup of the kombucha. After the first ferment, you may choose to flavour your kombucha with fruit juices or fruit pieces. Bottle the kombucha and set into a warm, dark area for 2-5 days. Move into the fridge and drink when chilled. Kombucha will keep for up to a year in the fridge. 

Dr. Joelle Johnson. 142 Erickson Drive. 403.347.3261 (FAM1)

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Truth Behind Energy Drinks

Truth Behind Energy Drinks

Energy drinks have become increasingly popular over the last few years. Advertising has been focused towards teenagers and young adults, enticing them with promises of quick energy boosts and increased attention spans. However, very little research has been done on the short term or long term effects of energy drinks.

Energy drinks vary in both ingredients and caffeine dosage. In general, energy drinks consist of different amounts of caffeine, sugar, guarana (whose seeds contain caffeine), cocoa and a variety of herbs.

The Journal of the American Medical Association has released a couple articles on the risk and harm associated with energy drinks. Potential negative effects include; increased heart rate, irregular heart rate and palpitations, increased blood pressure, sleep disturbances, diuresis (increased urine production) and increased blood sugar. All of these risks can be harmful for the entire population. However, particularly at risk are those with diabetes, heart conditions, metabolic disorders and sleep disorders. Also, people taking medication should be particularly careful since there could be a drug interaction.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that young children should never consume energy drinks. The high levels of caffeine can be especially harmful to children.

Since caffeine is so popular, many people do not consider it to be a drug. However, caffeine consumption should be limited each day. Adolescents should not have more than 100mg of caffeine each day. Adults should limit their caffeine intake to 500mg. This includes soda, coffee and particularly energy drinks since the dosage of caffeine in energy drinks is so high. Energy drinks can contain anywhere from 160-290mg of caffeine.

Of considerable note is the risk of mixing energy drinks and alcohol. Since the energy drink market targets teens and young adults, consumption of these products is incredibly common. About 31% of young teens are reported to regularly consume energy drinks, while 34%-51% of young adults from 18-24 years of age regularly consume energy drinks. However, a startling number of young adults (56%) are mixing alcohol and energy drinks.

By offsetting the sedating effects of alcohol, the caffeine in these energy drinks reduces the sensation of intoxication. This leads to risky behaviours, such as impaired driving, because the drinker does not realize they are intoxicated. Also, there is increased alcohol consumption since the effects of the alcohol are not felt. This leads to further impairments in judgment and functioning.

Energy drinks should be consumed with extreme caution and should be completely avoided in children and young adolescents. 
Dr. Marlee is located at Family First Chiropractic. 403-347-3261. www, Red Deer


Torpy, J.M. Energy Drinks. 2013. JAMA 309(3):297.

Howland, J. and D.J. Rohsenow. Risks of Energy Drinks Mixed with Alcohol. 2013. JAMA. 309(3):245-246

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Why Should I Have CranioSacral Therapy

Why should I have CranioSacral Therapy?
  1. Some people come because they feel as though they aren’t coping and that life is very difficult. CranioSacral Therapy can often be a last resort after many years of struggle.
2.      Some people come because they have long standing health issues which make it very difficult to cope. CranioSacral Therapy can help relieve the emotional and physical side-effects of living with long term illness or pain and can support the body in its natural movement towards health.
  1. Some people come because they have experienced traumatic events that they cannot move past. CranioSacral Therapy is a very safe, gentle and effective way of treating trauma and post-traumatic states.
  2. Some people come because they are incredibly stressed and anxious and can’t seem to find any relief from a very busy mind. CranioSacral Therapy is especially good at encouraging a very deep sense of stillness allowing the mind slow down and rest. Many people say they sleep very well after a craniosacral treatment.
  3. Some people come because they just need to be held and listened to. The most important thing a CranioSacral Therapist does is to simply be present for the client and hold the therapeutic space allowing the client’s process to unfold naturally.
 To learn more about CranioSacral Therapy or to book an appointment with Jeannette call 403-347-3261. Family First Chiropractic, Red Deer.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Finding the Right Fit

Finding the Right Fit

Many women suffer from mid back pain due to a variety of reasons. Whether it is due to postural strain, poor ergonomics at work or a mechanical dysfunction, mid back pain can be both distracting and frustrating. However, one cause that women often don’t consider is breast size and properly fit bras.

A recent study was just published that discussed breast size, bra fitting and thoracic spine (mid back) pain in post-menopausal women. The study determined that larger breasts and increased BMI (Body Mass Index) were associated with mid back pain in postmenopausal women. They found that increasing breast size and how a bra is worn could have serious biomechanical implications for the loading of the thoracic spine. 

No matter the age, if a woman does not have a properly fitting bra, the biomechanics of her back will be drastically altered. This means that the body has to compensate in other ways to try and function properly. Often this will lead to some type of dysfunction, which can be intimately related to pain. 

This effect is amplified when there is a larger weight distribution. In other words, a poorly fit bra will have more significant consequences for women with larger breasts, due to the fact that their biomechanics will be altered more. 

However, no matter your age or your size, a properly fitted bra is crucial for correct biomechanics. Although often overlooked, it could be a significant contributor to mid back pain and posture.  Seriously consider getting professionally fitted for a bra and take the first step towards a healthy back. 
1. Spencer L, Briffa K. Breast size, thoracic kyphosis and thoracic spine pain - association and relevance of bra fitting in post-menopausal women: A correlational study. Chiropractic & Manual Therapies 2013, 21:20

Dr. Marlee Lameris is one of three chiropractors at Family First Chiropractic and Wellness. They're located at 142 Erickson Drive, Red Deer AB and can be reached at 403-347-3261. Visit us online at to learn more today!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Mummy Health Kit

Dr. Joelle Johnson’s  ‘Mummy Health Kit’
Dr. Joelle practices at Family First Chiropractic and Wellness located at 142 Erickson Dr. 403-347-3261 to book today.

I have had a lot of moms ask me what I use to take care of my family and children especially when they are sick. I have a very busy house with 3 little boys and our chiropractic clinic. I have a lot of natural ‘things’ on my mom health kit and the following blog are some of them.

Of course being a chiropractor my family knows that getting adjusted increases the immune system response and when we are getting sick or already sick the children will get adjusted as soon as possible (in my case I will adjust even at 3 in the morning). I will use a lot of natural remedies with things from my kitchen, vitamins, homeopathies or essential oils. I  give them a multi vitamin, vitamin D, probiotics (Kombucha is our new love) and Omega 3 fish oils on a regular basis.

Fevers: These are a good thing as it is the normal immune response to an invader, low grade fevers are generally virally based, increased are usually bacterial. You body raises the temperature to heat/kill of the invaders so depressing this response and stopping the fever usually causes the illness to last much longer. By raising the body temperature the virus, bacteria or even cancer cells are killed off. I do not suppress the fever with our family, instead I manage the discomfort. I will adjust the boys as soon as I can, especially in the upper neck-specifically the C1 vertebra. I use the homeopathies Belladonna and Arnica for the chills and aches and fever ‘pain’. I will either put a drop or two of peppermint on their feet or use apple cider vinegar socks. I put a cotton pair on the feet that have the vinegar on them and another pair over top to draw out toxins and thus reducing the discomfort.  If they are uncomfortable a nice warm (not hot) bath with Epsom salts and peppermint oil helps immensely to reduce the aches and manage the fever as well.

Nausea/vomiting: The body is invaded by pathogens via our skin (abrasions and cuts), inhalation (nose/colds/coughs) and ingested (nausea and vomiting). This is not pleasant for anyone and especially little children. I will usually carry peppermint oil in my purse at all times, a drop rubbed on the belly (dilute if sensitive with a carrier oil such as olive oil) works amazing. If the children are vomiting I will also adjust them as the violent act of vomiting affects the back and neck spine and thus causes more discomfort and nervous system irritation, this will restore the nervous system to a healthy place. I utilize the homeopathies such as ipeca, nux vomica for the nausea and vomiting and arsenicum for diarrhea. I recommend drinking ginger honey tea or coconut water for the electrolytes.

Ear aches/infections: I will first adjust the upper neck area and I also adjust the ears, I often teach parents this ear adjustment to do at home several times a day. This allows the eustacian tubes to drain the fluid/mucous. Most ear ‘infections’ are virally based so antibiotics will not work to kill viruses. In our house we will make garlic oil- take some garlic juice off of some crushed or chopped garlic and mix it with olive oil. You can also take some full cloves, crush them with the flat of the knife and let them sit in the olive oil to get the garlic infused into the mixture. I always have some handy as it works great for fungus and skin infections topically. I will then put the garlic-olive oil mixture into the ear several times a day for about a week. The garlic is a natural antibiotic, antifungal and antiviral, plus the olive oil sooths the sore ear canal also. Some children’s ear pain can be from dryness in the ear canal causing the itch and often kids are pulling on their ear lobes or sticking the finger in the ear, I recommend the oil for this as well. DO NOT use the oil in the ear if you have a ruptured ear drum or suspect one, you’re your heath care provider have a look at the ear to check this. I will also use belladonna if the boys have the sharp ear pain to alleviate it. Traumeel ear drop are always on hand and I will use them for the sharp painful ear ache/infection. It has Arnica in it which is great for general pain and inflammation. I will occasionally use lavender oil around the ear (not in it) to sooth. I will also show parents how to help drain the lymph nodes at the front of the neck to aid in ear drainage and recommend Phytolacca to drain the head and cervical lymph nodes. With our children I will use a drop of oregano oil to a tablespoon of olive oil and massage and drain the lymph nodes around the ear and neck-careful if it is too strong it can cause a redness and burning sensation, test is on the inner arm first before applying to the sensitive neck area.

Bumps, Bruises and body aches:  Kids fall….lots and get bump bruises and abrasions all the time. Whenever my children have a nasty fall or wipeout I make sure I check their spine and adjust it as needed, often small issues can become larger ones with our children if we do not take care of them. Many parents will comment the issue came from a fall or accident that happened prior to them bringing in their child to be assessed. If it is a nasty injury I will give them Arnica to help with the pain and inflammation as well as apply it topically to the area, the gel however should not go over an open wound. Some parents ask about growing pains, my question is why should it hurt to grow? Most children have ‘growing pains’ in their legs and knees, often resulting to some insult or trauma from the pelvis or low back, thus some nerve irritation causing the pain. Often by adjusting the child’s pelvis the ‘pains’ stop. I will also recommend to the parents to use the Arnica gel over the area of pain, especially in the middle of the night.


Thursday, August 1, 2013

Chiropractic Treatment of Headaches

Chiropractic Treatment of Headaches

There are many different causes of headaches, from tight muscles to dehydration. There is evidence available for chiropractic treatment of three different types of headaches; migraine headaches, cervicogenic headaches and tension type headaches.

1. Migraine

These are recurrent headaches that usually last anywhere from 4 hours to 3 days. They are often found just on one side of the head and they can be quite severe. Some people have an aura associated with these headaches, which is a temporary visual or auditory disturbance that occurs before the headache starts. Nausea, vomiting and a sensitivity to light and sound are common. 

These types of headaches respond quite well to spinal manipulation and massage. Also, counseling in exercise, relaxation and stress-relieving techniques can help with the management of these headaches.

2. Tension-type headache

  These headaches occur frequently and can last from minutes to days. Often the pain is present on both sides of the skull and feels like a tight band around the skull. Usually there is no vomiting or nausea associated with these headaches. The temples and back of the skull may be tender to touch.

These types of headaches respond very well to chiropractic care. Focusing on mobilization of the neck and muscle work can help alleviate the symptoms of these headaches.

3. Cervicogenic headache

These headaches are caused by some referral from the neck, whether it is the joint or the muscles. When palpating the neck, pain may be felt in the head or the face, which means the source of the pain is in the neck even though the symptoms are felt elsewhere.

These headaches respond very well to spinal manipulation of the neck, joint mobilization of the neck and deep neck flexor exercises. A combination of all these treatments help with the management of the source of the pain as well as the symptoms.

Dr Marlee Lameris is the newest member to our clinic family. To book an appointment with her call 403-347-3261. Family First Chiropractic 142 Erickson Drive, Red Deer.

 1. Bryans et al. Clinical Practice Guideline for the Management of Headache Disorders in Adults. 2012. Canadian Chiropractic Association.