Thursday, November 28, 2013

Whiplash 101

Whiplash 101

 People injured in a motor vehicle accident sometimes experience a strain of their neck muscles and the surrounding soft tissue, commonly referred to as whiplash. The neck muscles are extremely tender and the range of motion is severely reduced. The injury occurs most often when a vehicle is hit from the rear or the side, causing a snapping movement of the head and neck.

 Whiplash symptoms

Whiplash symptoms include headache, dizziness, loss of mobility in the neck and shoulders, upper back pain, neck pain and even chest pain. Pain, stiffness and other symptoms of Grade 1 (tender muscles) or Grade 2 (limited neck movement) whiplash typically start within the first two days after an accident.

 Get Assistance

Do not ignore whiplash type injuries. Get yourself examined if you experience any of these symptoms. Health care professionals are alert for the signs of more serious neck trauma and can help relieve symptoms.

 Good News

The good news is that most whiplash injuries are not serious and will heal. Many people experience little disruption in their activities and are able to get on with their daily lives.

 Not just from car accidents

Whiplash can occur from many causes, not just car accidents. For example, it can happen from falling down stairs, having something fall on your head or when tackled during contact sports. Whiplash can also occur at relatively low impact. For example, a hit in a car accident at less than 10km/hour can cause whiplash.

 Well Adjusted…not just your neck

Properly adjusting the height of your car headrest will help prevent whiplash injury in an accident. In an ideal adjustment, the top of your head should be in line with the top of the headrest and there should be no more than 2 to 5 cm between the back of your head and the headrest.

We are available Monday to Saturday at Family First Chiropractic and Wellness. Call us at 403-347-3261



Ontario Chiropractic Association. Accessed Oct. 10, 2013.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Massage Therapy and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

How Can Massage Therapy help Prevent and Treat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Massage therapy can provide valuable assistance to someone suffering from CTS, either as a stand-alone treatment, or in conjunction with other modalities. Massage can also assist in prevention of the syndrome; when treatment is started early enough, muscle hypertonicity is decreased, and edema can be reduced.
Treatment will depend on the actual cause and stage of presentation of the condition. For example, in a case where repetitive stress is the cause, the therapist will attempt to decrease hypertonicity and myofascial trigger points of the brachium, ante-brachium, all of which are proximal to the site of compression. This can be achieved by doing deep work to the muscles of the arm and forearm, as well as stretching of the forearm flexors.
If the structures in the carpal tunnel are impinged due to thickening or scarring of the flexor retinaculum, friction therapy to break down the tissue can be invaluable, if painful, to reduce compression.
Manual lymph drainagecan assist in the reduction of fluid build up post treatment.
The therapist may also stretch the carpal ligament and palmar tissue & fascia, reducing compression of the structures, and finish with a cold hydrotherapyapplication on the site to reduce any inflammation.
Outside of surgery, there is no “cure” for carpal tunnel syndrome which results from hypertonicity of the forearm flexors. If CTS is caused by a repetitive stress injury (RSI), then maintenance will be necessary. Maintenance in this case will involve a program of stretching, hydrotherapy, massage therapy and possibly a wrist brace. The use of ergonomically correct keyboards for those whose work involves a lot of typing can also be useful.
Depending on the severity of the condition, a treatment plan may involve a few weeks of treatments 2 times per week, in addition to a homecare plan to reinforce the effects of the treatment. As hypertonicity of the forearm flexors is reduced, the frequency of the treatment is reduced to once a week for several weeks. If you have questions concerning the treatment plan, your massage therapist should be more than willing to discuss it with you.

Guy Lacoursiere is at Family First Chiropractic. 142 Erickson Dr. Red Deer. 403-347-3261.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

How to Lift Right

Lift Right

 How many times have you bent over to lift something off the floor and as you stand up you think “Whoops! Shouldn’t have done that!”. It’s common to have immediate regret after you’ve used a poor lifting technique and feel the painful effects. However, there are certain steps you can follow that allow for safe and proper lifting, without the regret or the pain.

Help prevent back injuries by following these 10 simple steps given to us by the Canadian Chiropractic Association:

  1. Stand close to the load to be lifted.
  2. Place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  3. Bend your knees and keep your back straight.
  4. Squat down to the level of the object and test the weight of the load.
  5. Ask for help if the load is too heavy or awkward!
  6. Use the strength of your leg and arm muscles (not your back) to smoothly and slowly lift the load. Try not to jerk when lifting.
  7. Keep the load close to your body.
  8. Pivot to turn in the direction you want to move toward.
  9. Avoid twisting your body while turning and carrying the load.
  10. Bend your knees and slowly lower the load to its new location.
Remember that these steps can help you prevent back pain, but if the load is too heavy or your back isn’t strong enough it’s not full proof! Practice safe lifting and take regular care of your body, including eating healthy and exercising.

We are available Monday to Saturday at Family First Chiropractic and Wellness. Call us at 403-347-3261



Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Child's First Spinal Exam

When is it time for a child's first spinal examination?

By Dr. Joelle Johnson Bsc, D.C.

When is it time for a child's first spinal examination?
Should we wait until children complain of back pain before taking them to the chiropractor?
These are questions which parents frequently ask of their chiropractor.

Throughout most communities, it is a generally well-accepted fact that children should have regular dental check-ups. Well, what about the potential for children to develop spinal problems?

Shouldn’t children be examined at regular intervals during their growing years to identify spinal problems which may progress to become serious, permanent problems?

Examination of the growth patterns of a child's spine shows that the time of fastest spinal growth is during the first year of life, when the average length of the spine grows from 24 to 36 cm. This is a 50 percent increase in one year.

The next fastest growth rate occurs between the ages one and five years when the spinal length increases from 36 to 51 cm, a 42 percent growth rate.

Between the ages of 5 and 10, we see the slowest period of growth, 10 cm in five years, or a 20 percent growth rate. The adolescent growth phase is most noticeable for its growth spurts, when a teenager may grow three to four inches in less than a year. The average total growth for the adolescent period is 20 cm in males and 15 cm in females. This represents a growth rate of 25 percent in the females and 33 percent in males.

Now, taking all that into consideration, it can be seen that the period of fastest growth, the first year of life, is also a period of considerable trauma when the child is learning to sit, crawl and then walk. Because the first year of life is such an important one for spinal development, and because the potential for trauma is high, it is recommended that a child's first spinal evaluations should be performed during this period.

Beyond the first year, the child needs regular checkups to ensure that the microtrauma, are not causing spinal problems. Such microtraumas can be playing roughly, falls off of bikes, down stairs, off play groud equipment and  many other childhood traumas.

Getting you child adjusted after these traumas can greatly reduce the issues they may have later in life.

You can call us at Family First Chiropractic and Wellness at 142 Erickson Drive, Red Deer , T4R 2C3


Thursday, November 14, 2013

How to Pick Your Office Chair

Picking Your Office Chair

 Think of how many hours you spend at your chair at work. Is it six, seven, ten hours? Is it more hours then you spend in your bed? People will spend thousands of dollars and weeks of research on finding the right mattress (which is incredibly important as well) but they spend their entire workday in a $50 office chair that doesn’t fit them.

It’s nearly impossible to have a one-size fits all chair. People just don’t work that way. So when shopping for the best ergonomic chair, there are a few things that you should look for specific to you.

 Here are a few things for you to consider as you make your selection:

 1.      Seat pan comfort and shape

When you sit in the chair the seat pan should be at least one inch wider than your hips and thighs on either side. The seat pan should not be too long for your legs otherwise it will either catch you behind the knees or it will prevent you from leaning fully back against the lumbar support. Most ergonomic chairs have a seat pan with a waterfall front that prevents the seat from catching you behind the knees. The seat pan should also be contoured to allow even weight distribution and it should be comfortable to sit on.

2.      Think adjustable

Always ensure that your chair is adjustable so that you can adjust seat pan height while you are sitting on the chair. You should be able to adjust the height of the seat pan so that the front of your knees is level or slightly below level and your feet are firmly on the ground

3.      Lumbar support is key

Many chairs have cushioned lumbar supports that can be adjusted up and down and forwards and backwards to best fit your shape. If the chair will be used by multiple users then this level of adjustment may be required. However if you are the primary user of the chair then a fixed lumbar support may be acceptable, if it feels comfortable.

4.      Don’t forget about the hips

A chair that doesn’t provide enough hip room can make you sit too far forwards on the seat pan, which doesn’t provide so that you will not have enough thigh support.

5.      Have a long-term strategy

Think about how the chair will feel after one or two hours. Low-density foam seat pans can become permanently deformed after long term use which can affect cushioned support leading to discomfort, imbalance and hip and back fatigue.

Other things to consider for those of us not “height-blessed” is whether your feet touch the floor. It is incredibly important to invest in an adjustable chair, but if the desk is too high, then a footrest may be inevitable. Consider whether you can sit back comfortably in your chair without having your feet dangle. If you can’t, then think about investing in a foot support that allows your feet to rest comfortably upon it, preventing strain on the legs and the back.

To book an appointment with one of our chiropractors. Call us at Family First Chiropractic. 403-347-3261. 142 Erickson Dr Red Deer.

Your Back Health: June 11, 2013

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Children and CranioSacral Therapy

CranioSacral Therapy and Children

I often hear from parents that they would like for their children to receive CranioSacral therapy but are not sure how that is possible.  Adaptability by the therapist is probably the most important thing when treating children.  There are many ways in which I adapt my techniques to effectively treat children.  Most importantly the child needs to be comfortable.  Often that is in their parents arms or with them close by.  They can be lying down, in a chair or I have even spent half an hour following toddlers around the room.  Toys, books, etc, are also great distractions that can aid the practitioner in getting effective work done.  When working on children I often shorten the treatment to half an hour.  For most children that provides enough time to get an effective treatment and not to over stimulate the system.

To find out more about CranioSacral or to book an appointment with Jeannette, call us at 403-347-3261. Family First Chiropractic, Red Deer.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Baby Wrapping

Swaddling involves wrapping or bundling babies in cloth blankets with the arms restrained to dampen the startle response and provide a sense of comfort. The paper by Price is timely because of the rising popularity of infant swaddling in Western societies.

 Studies have demonstrated that swaddling promotes sleep consistency and duration while encouraging infants to remain in the recommended supine position during sleep.

 It has been found that both swaddling and stomach sleeping limits arm movement, which can lead to a decrease in the startle reflex. A reduction in startles results in a better sleep maintenance but can also depress spontaneous arousals.

It is important to ensure that during swaddling it is advised to use thin materials in order to prevent overheating.

Developmentally, children need to be able to move and be able to bring their hands to their mouths. If swaddling, keeping their hands closer to their face and not pinned by their sides will allow this natural movement.

Traditional swaddling involves wrapping infants with the legs straight and the hips and knees extended. This practice should be discouraged because it increases the risk of developmental dysplasia of the hip and hip dislocation.

 Proper swaddling methods restrain the upper extremities but allow hip flexion-abduction and knee flexion.

 A longer duration of swaddling beginning at birth produced a greater rate of dislocation and more severe dysplasia than the shorter period of swaddling. The authors concluded that earlier swaddling and prolonged swaddling were more detrimental to hip development in this experimental model.

To book an appointment call us at 403-347-3261. Family First Chiropractic. 142 Erickson Dr Red Deer.

 1. Price, C.T. Swaddling and Hip Dysplasia: New Observations. 2012. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 94(92): 1-2.

2. Kato et al. Spontaneous Arousability in Prone and Supine Position in Healthy Infants. Sleep 29(6):785-791.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

ADHD and Medications

ADHD Drug Emergencies Quadrupled in 6 Years.
According to a 2010 US government survey, 1 in 10 American children now has attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This is a 22 percent increase from 2003. ADHD makes it hard for children to pay attention and control impulsive behavior.
About two-thirds of the children diagnosed with ADHD are on some form of prescription medication, and according to data recently released by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), ADHD drugs such as Ritalin, Vyvanse, Strattera, and Adderall (and their generic equivalents) were responsible for nearly 23,000 emergency room visits in 2011 in the US alone.

This is a more than 400 percent increase in ER visits due to adverse reactions to such drugs in a mere six years!
Misuse of Behavior-Modification Drugs Is Rising Dramatically
The DAWN report highlights the growing trend of prescription drug abuse, and reveals that more than half of these youngsters—primarily college-aged—obtained the drug either from a friend or relative, free of charge. Seventeen percent purchased them from someone they knew.

Other reports also show a dramatic spike in ADHD drug abuse.
48.4 million prescriptions for ADHD stimulants were written in 2011, a 39 percent jump from 2007. More importantly, close to 14,000 new monthly prescriptions were written for ADHD stimulants, up from 5.6 million in 2007.
Far from being recognized for their potential health hazards, these kinds of stimulants have gained a reputation as “cognition enhancers” among students and young professionals seeking to gain an edge.
Unfortunately, it’s exceedingly easy to fake ADHD symptoms in order to secure a prescription, and as noted in a 2008 study published in the Journal of American College Health.

“Of the study participants, 34 percent reported the illegal use of ADHD stimulants. Most illegal users reported using ADHD stimulants primarily in periods of high academic stress and found them to reduce fatigue while increasing reading comprehension, interest, cognition, and memory.
Furthermore, most had little information about the drug and found procurement to be both easy and stigmafree.”

Meanwhile, the potential side effects of ADHD drugs are actually quite serious. Certainly, no one should take them without being under a competent doctor’s care: permanent brain damage, cardio toxicity, and liver damage, cancer, changes in personality, depression, and/or hallucinations, heart attack and stroke, sudden death and suicide
In related news, US health officials have launched a federal probe into the use of antipsychotic drugs on children in the Medicaid system. According to a study of data from 2004, kids using Medicaid were prescribed antipsychotic medications four times more often than those with private insurance. In 2008, more than 19,000 children under the age of five received Medicaid prescriptions for antipsychotics. Most shocking of all, the study also found that Medicaid prescriptions for antipsychotics were issued to children younger than one year old!
It’s exceedingly difficult to fathom a situation that would actually warrant giving a toddler an antipsychotic drug.
After all, medications cannot address the underlying cause of aberrant behavior.

Dr. Stephen Kelly is located at Family First Chiropractic. To book an appointment with him call 403-347-3261. 142 Erickson Dr. Red Deer.