Who is a dog owner/lover out there?? Massage isn’t just for us humans, in just ten minutes a day you can give your dog a “maintenance” massage. This is one way you can add to the length and quality of your pet’s life. Use a flat palm to slowly touch all the parts of your dog’s body. Really focus on what you are feeling and pay attention to all the layers from hair to skin, fat, muscle, and down to bone. Meanwhile, Spot the dog is basking in the attention and loving the extra “petting".
CALMING YOUR NERVOUS OR ANXIOUS DOG You hear the thunder rolling in amidst those very dark ominous clouds and your dog begins to whimper, roll his eyes, and pant. Under the bed he goes or into that safe spot in the closet. Is there anything you can do to reduce his stress? Massage may be the answer.
Massage therapists use a stroke similar to petting to relax the nervous system. Lightly rest the flat palm of your hand on top of your dog’s head or neck. Make long, sweeping passes along the length of the spine and down the tail. Repeat this several times slowly. You can gradually increase your pressure if your dog likes it. Do not press straight down on the lower part of the back. To finish, allow one hand to rest at the base of your pet’s head and the other hand to rest over the area of the pelvis (the high point over your dog’s hips). These two areas correspond to the part of the spinal cord that controls the rest and relaxation responses of the body (for example, sleep, digestion, and tissue repair). This technique is useful any time your dog is nervous or fearful such as during nail trimming or vaccinations, or when he is hyperactive or restless. Your pets need TLC, comfort, and love just as we humans do. So be kind to Spot and spend a few extra minutes a day with him massaging those animal woes. Retrieved from http://www.nwsam.com/ Northwest School of Animal Massage
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