- Get Chiropractic adjustments during pregnancy, this will increase nerve and blood supply to your baby and uterus to aid in optimal baby positioning and reduce the discomforts of pregnancy.
- Eat a well-balanced diet, high in protein, iron, vitamins, and minerals. Read up on good nutrition. Vitamin/mineral supplements, omega 3 and probiotics are needed. Eat plenty of fresh fruit, vegetables, whole grains and protein foods.
- Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water daily. Fruit juices are good, as are herb teas. Liquids help keep you regular and unconstipated.
- Get plenty of sleep – eight or more hours at night if you can, plus one or two short naps during the day. Never allow yourself to become totally fatigued during pregnancy.
- Never recline during pregnancy (this may cause baby to become posterior), rest lying down on your side.
- Exercise in the open air and sun. Walking daily is great preparation for labor.
- Dress in loose clothing which does not constrict any part of your body’s circulation especially over the round ligaments.
- Prepare your nipples for nursing. Attending La Leche League meetings and reading about breastfeeding are very helpful.
- Prepare your perineum (the area between your anal opening and your vaginal opening) for stretching by doing perineal massage and kegal exercises. Use no harsh soaps on your perineum and oil it once or twice daily with a pure oil, such as wheat germ oil or vegetable oil from a health food store. Use cotton instead of nylon underwear.
- Spend time on your hands and knees daily, this helps baby into a good position for delivery.
- Avoid use of caffeinated drinks such as coffee, tea, and cola.
- Avoid alcoholic drinks.
- Avoid as much as you can the use of foods and beverages which are prepared with artificial colorings, flavor, preservatives and other additives of unknown potential. Read labels carefully.
- Avoid smoking cigarettes and being in enclosed areas where heavy smoke is accumulating. SPEAK UP TO SMOKERS!!
- Avoid use of and contact with pesticides, poisons, volatile paints and varnishes, paint removers, certain glues and adhesives, smoke, soil known to be contaminated with weed killer or other contaminants, and all other chemicals or questionable products.
- Avoid all x-rays during pregnancy, even routine dental x-rays are not recommended. 403-347-3261
Family First Chiropractic and Wellness
Dr. Joelle Johnson and Dr. Stephen Kelly
142 Erickson Drive, Red Deer