Chiropractic care for children is different from that for adults. Tailored to their age and weight, their adjustments often require no more pressure than you’d use to test the ripeness of a tomato. Children in our office enjoy their chiropractic care and look forward to their visits.
Can you recognize the signs of spinal nerve interference in your children?
Proper maternal nutrition, exercise and regular chiropractic care help create the best opportunity for healthy prenatal growth. Baby clothes, bassinets and car seats are also concerns. These are important, but consider the trauma of the birth process.
Pulling, forcing and twisting a baby from the birth canal are still too common. Cesarean section, forceps, suction extraction or eager hands can do unseen damage. Even "natural" birthing methods can cause subluxations.
Subluxations are areas of your baby’s spine that interfere or distort controlling nerve impulses between the brain and body.
With vital neurological signals compromised, your child’s health is impaired from his or her first breath. Other problems can appear years later.
Only a chiropractic examination can tell if subluxations are involved.
Many infants and toddlers will rub or tug at their ears. If they can talk, they complain. If they can’t, their crying makes us feel helpless, even desperate.
Subluxations are often found in children who suffer from chronic earaches. An impaired nerve supply can make their middle ears and eustachian tubes susceptible to fluid buildup or even infection.Traditional treatment usually involves the antibiotic amoxicillin. The result? A recent study showed that children taking amoxicillin compromise their immune system function. They are twice as likely to have recurring ear problems than those taking just a placebo.Instead, restoring proper nerve supply with safe and natural chiropractic care has helped tho
Subluxations are often found in children who suffer from chronic earaches. An impaired nerve supply can make their middle ears and eustachian tubes susceptible to fluid buildup or even infection.Traditional treatment usually involves the antibiotic amoxicillin. The result? A recent study showed that children taking amoxicillin compromise their immune system function. They are twice as likely to have recurring ear problems than those taking just a placebo.Instead, restoring proper nerve supply with safe and natural chiropractic care has helped tho
Without the language to explain what’s wrong, some newborns exhibit unexplained crying, a lack of appetite, allergic reactions or other difficulties.
Newborns and infants often show a tendency to hold their head to one side or prefer breast feeding from one side.
Newborns and infants often show a tendency to hold their head to one side or prefer breast feeding from one side.
These are ways they cope with abnormal spinal function and an impaired nervous system. Chiropractic care has been shown helpful for infants suffering from colic. As subluxations are reduced, more normal sleep patterns emerge. Many parents notice that other aspects of their child’s health improve as well.Chiropractors are alert to the many ways nerve interference can negatively affect your baby’s health.
From Family First Chiropractic and Wellness, 142 Erickson drive, Red Deer
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