What is a doula?
The word "doula" comes from the ancient Greek meaning "a woman who serves" and is now used to refer to a trained and experienced professional who provides continuous physical, emotional and informational support to the mother before, during and just after birth
Studies have shown that when doulas attend birth, labors are shorter with fewer complications, babies are healthier and they breastfeed more easily.
Why Use a doula?
Michaelle de Ruiter RMT, Jeanette Raskin CST, RMT, Chelsea Brausen RMT |
Educating yourself about childbirth so you're able to make informed decisions is a great way to increase your chances for a smooth labor. But you can't possibly learn everything you might need to know. That's where a doula comes in. A doula is a trained labor support person who provides emotional, physical, and informational support during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum. She (they're usually women) absolutely doesn't replace medical caregivers or your birth partner, but rather complements them. There are many ways a doula can assist you, such as:
· helping you prepare your birth plan
· providing suggestions and exercises to help you have a more comfortable pregnancy
· explaining medical procedures
· providing emotional support
· suggesting and providing non-pharmacological pain relief techniques (massage, heat therapy, positioning)
· assisting with breastfeeding
· providing partner support
· working as an advocate so your birth plan is carried out
This list is just an example of some of the many services a doula may provide. Some fathers worry that a doula will take over their roles in the birth process. Being a birth partner is challenging work, and most fathers feel a sense of relief and enjoy the birth experience more when a doula is present. Many women state that they couldn't have given birth without their doula, but doulas aren't just for first-time moms. Many women hire a doula for second and third babies and beyond. If you weren't happy with a previous birth experience, a doula could improve the outcome of the next one
Benefits of a Doula during labor
Over 20 years of research have revealed the benefits of continuous doula support during labor
· Reduction in the cesarean section rate (up to 50%)
· Reduction in the need for assisted delivery (forceps and vacuum extraction)
· A shorter labor (up to 25%)
· A reduction in the requests for epidural anesthesia (up to 60%)
· A reduction in the use of oxytocin (up to 40%)
· An increase success at breastfeeding
· Maternal satisfaction with the birth experience, their partner, child and themselves
· Increased satisfaction in the experience by the mother’s partner
· Reduction in the cesarean section rate (up to 50%)
· Reduction in the need for assisted delivery (forceps and vacuum extraction)
· A shorter labor (up to 25%)
· A reduction in the requests for epidural anesthesia (up to 60%)
· A reduction in the use of oxytocin (up to 40%)
· An increase success at breastfeeding
· Maternal satisfaction with the birth experience, their partner, child and themselves
· Increased satisfaction in the experience by the mother’s partner
26% less likely to give birth by cesarean section
41% less likely to give birth with vacuum extraction or forceps
28% less likely to use any pain medications and
33% less likely to be dissatisfied with or negatively rate their birth experience
41% less likely to give birth with vacuum extraction or forceps
28% less likely to use any pain medications and
33% less likely to be dissatisfied with or negatively rate their birth experience
MIchaelle de Ruiter, Chelsea Brausen and Jeannette Raskin at Family First Chiropractic and Wellness are all doulas. Call 403-347-3261 or www.family1stchiro.ca
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