Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Hip Flexors

Guy Lacoursiere RMT
If you have tight hip flexors, you can expect to have problems with your hip joints and lower back.
Your hip flexors are a group of muscles that enable you to bring your knee up towards your trunk. Though several muscles contribute to this action, the two primary players are your iliacus and psoas major, which come together to form the extremely strong ilipsoas tendon, which attaches your hip flexor muscles to your thigh bone.

Tight hip flexors are all too common in today's society with a lot of us spending several hours a day sitting on our bottoms. Without regular stretching and activity, sitting for long periods on a chair or couch can lead to shortening of your hip flexors.

There is rarely a person I work with that does not have tight hip flexors. The best thing that I can recommend is to stretch them daily and come in for a massage from time to time.
To book an appointment with Guy Lacoursiere RMT, call us at 403-347-3261. Family First Chiropractic. 142 Erickson Drive, Red Deer. www.family1stchiro.ca



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