Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Nerve Cells

 Nerve Cells

Irritated nerve cells can cause a wide range of ill health, such as: pain, chronic stress, migraine, dizziness, or difficulty breathing. Craniosacral Therapy can reduce nerve cell irritation, which helps the body heal.

Irritated nerve cells can be anywhere in the body’s vast neurological network. They can be in the brain, or spinal cord, or clumps of nerves called ganglia. Nerves receive, organize, modify, and transmit information required for all activity, like: sleeping, walking, talking, eating, or thinking, to name a few.

Nerves form communication networks with other nerves, or with body parts. When nerve cells become hyper-irritated they can no longer do their job in an organized way. This disorganization causes chaotic communication between nerves, or between nerves and body parts.

Body parts can lose normal function when neurological communication is chaotic. For instance, irritated nerve cells within the spinal cord communicating with a leg muscle may cause that muscle to be in chronic spasm, or irritated nerve cells within an area of the brain involved in memory processing may cause difficulty remembering recent experiences.

Often irritated nerve cells are undetected because they are hidden in the nervous system. If irritated nerve cells are not found then they remain the cause of dysfunction. When the cause of dysfunction is not addressed then the effects of that cause will usually persist.

Craniosacral therapy can locate irritated nerve cells and then help the body reduce nerve cell hyper-irritation. This can lessen harmful nerve stress, which stimulates normal nerve-to-nerve, nerve-to-body, or body-to-nerve, communication. Greater ease of function within the nervous system and within the body arises as nerve communication normalizes, thus helping the body heal in a multitude of ways.
To book a Craniosacral therapy appointment with Jeannette Raskin, call us at 403-347-3261 Family First Chiropractic. 142 Erickson Dr. Red Deer. www.family1stchiro.ca


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