Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Oreos just as addicting as Cocaine!

Oreos Are Found to Be as Addictive as Cocaine!

When you eat refined processed sugars, they trigger production of your brain's natural opioids -- a key ingredient in the addiction process. Your brain essentially becomes addicted to stimulating the release of its own opioids as it would to morphine or heroin.

This addictive nature of sugar and processed food has again been confirmed by a psychology professor at the Collegeof Connecticut, who showed that Oreo cookies are just as addictive as cocaine or morphine.

The high prevalence of junk foods in low-income neighborhoods might contribute to the obesity epidemic.

In the USthe poorest people have the highest obesity rates. This seeming contradiction is a clear indication that the problem stems from the diet itself.

Something in the cheapest and most readily available foods is creating metabolic havoc, and obesity.

Even though we associate significant health hazards in taking drugs like cocaine and morphine, high-fat/ high-sugar foods may present even more of a danger because of their accessibility and affordability.

 Processed Foods Are DESIGNED to Be Addictive

 Indeed, scientific research into the addictive nature of certain foods reveals people are not necessarily lacking in self control when it comes to their food consumption. Rather, food companies have perfected food concoctions that are addictive. And they know it.

Most people blindly believe that food companies will do the right thing; that they would never produce food that might be toxic or harmful. This, we’ve learned is not the case.

The food industry is well aware of its role in creating obesity, and they’re not ignorant as to the reason why Americans can’t seem to get enough junk food. They even insist on selling foods to the American market with ingredients that have been banned for health reasons in some countries.

Dr. Kelly is taking new patients. He is located at Family First Chiropractic. 403-347-3261. 142 Erickson Drive, Red Deer. www.family1stchiro.ca



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