Monday, January 2, 2012

A Dad's Perspective Part 4

Home Births Part 4 – I was awakened in the early morning hours on a hot summer night in late July by my wife who was experiencing some labor pains. “We are going to have this baby” was her resolve. We got dressed and went outside for a brisk walk at 4:30 a.m. just in time to watch the sun rise and the birds to start singing. I was timing how far apart the contractions to make me feel like I was contributing. We called our midwife later that morning as the contractions became closer. The midwife came over to see how far along things were with the delivery. Things were progressing slowly and I learned quickly that every pregnancy is different – this baby would come when he’s ready. Being at home was comfortable for both my wife and I – we did not feel any pressure to deliver the baby because it was the end of somebody’s shift or that it was just taking too long. We were allowed to follow the birth plan that we chose and we were respected by our midwives for the choices that we made. Regular monitoring of my wife and our unborn child was done.
Later that evening, the contractions were not far apart and my wife was dilated to the point where it would be soon to start pushing. The birthing tub had been prepared earlier in the day and it was time to put some warm water into it. When my wife started to push, my wife was not put on a bed with her feet in stirrups with somebody in a mask peering over a veil at her. Instead, she was allowed to kneel, squat, lay down, go in the shower or whatever in order to continue the birthing process. Due to an injury sustained due a skiing accident when she was a young adult, the pushing process took over 2 ½ hours and the midwives were able to keep her concentration on what she needed to do. When the baby started to crown, my wife entered the kiddie pool set up in the basement of our first home. Late on the evening of July 24th, 2003 we were blessed with the birth of our first son, Logan Lyle Johnson. What an experience! What a courageous, amazing delivery by his mum in a water birth assisted by midwives in our home!  
Lyle Johnson B Comm, is husband to Dr. Joelle Johnson of Family First Chiropractic and Wellness, 142 Erickson Dr, Red Deer, 403-304-7980


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