Tuesday, August 28, 2012

What to expect in a CranioSacral therapy

So, what happens during a CranioSacral therapy treatment?By Jeannette Raskin RMT, CST. Jeannette Raskin practices at Family First Chiropractic and Wellness located at 142, Erickson Drive, Red Deer, Alberta T4R 2C3 403-347-3261
Before the treatment - If this is your first appointment, we will first work through your medical history and your expectations from this CranioSacral Therapy treatment. You will then lie down comfortably - fully-clothed. If it is a child (under 16) or infant, you may be present during the entire treatment.
I will then use a light touch (about the weight of a nickel), beginning at the feet, to assess where restrictions and other related problems are in your body.  Once this is completed, I continue to work through other parts of your body.
During the treatment - Most people feel a general sense of relaxation (in fact most people fall asleep early in the treatment). Some people also feel heat, cold or a stretching of tissues in particular parts of the body.  The treatment generally lasts about an hour for adults and 30 minutes for infants and children.  This can vary depending on the person.
Following the treatment - Some people report that they feel as if somebody had moved things about in their body. You will normally feel tired after the treatment, but after a short rest and a glass of water, you will be well capable of driving home.
The amount of treatment needed depends on the condition, severity and age of the client.  Some people need as few as one treatment to notice changes.
How come I never feel it moving?
This rhythm, the craniosacral rhythm, is very small in amplitude. You can feel it on yourself with practice by placing your hands on your head and simply waiting patiently. Wait and calm your hands. Use very light pressure and you may be able to feel a very small expanding and narrowing movement in your head. This is the craniosacral rhythm! It takes a therapist much training and practice to be able to feel and evaluate this rhythm. A skilled therapist can palpate and feel not only the rhythm, but also determine whether or not it is moving freely or if it is restricted, and where it is restricted.
Call to book you appointment today 403-347-3261


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