Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Mom and Baby and the journey into parenthood

All moms want the best for their children.  We will do anything for our children, often forgetting our own needs.  I often see mothers bring in their baby or child with problems hoping that I can help.  I love treating children because we often see results quickly, if not immediately.  I tell parents the sooner you bring your child in for a treatment the better.  The thing we often forget as adults is to treat ourselves.  The stress of taking care of a newborn or sick child reflects in our bodies as well.  Giving birth is a traumatic experience, not only for the baby, but for the mother as well.  I like to recommend to new moms to try and find at least an hour to give to yourself to help release some of the trauma of birth.  Your child will benefit from your treatment as well.  At the very least CranioSacral therapy will help you relax and get your body to heal faster.  You will be a better and more relaxed mom for it. All our practitioners at Family First Chiropractic are there to support you and your needs in motherhood. Jeannette Raskin CST, RMT, Dr. Joelle Johnson and Dr. Stephen Kelly are located at 142 Erickson Drive, Red Deer,
T4R 2c3
403-347-3261 to book an appointment today!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Statin Drugs

Statins are the world's most-prescribed class of medications. A staggering one in four Americans over the age of 45 now take cholesterol-lowering drugs such as Pravachol, Mevacor, Lipitor, Zocor, Crestor, and others. A majority of them are taking these drugs for primary prevention of heart attacks and strokes.
However, mounting research suggests this could be a critical mistake.
Most recently, two separate studies have concluded that progression of coronary artery calcification, which is the hallmark of potentially lethal heart disease, is INCREASED with statin drug use.
A new study in the journal Atherosclerosis1 shows that statin use is associated with a 52 percent increased prevalence and extent of calcified coronary plaque compared to non-users. None of the participants in the study – 6,673 in all – had any known coronary artery disease at the time of undergoing coronary CT angiography (CCTA) – a non-invasive method that allows you to see coronary atherosclerotic features, including plaque composition.Arterial plaque is a hallmark of cardiovascular disease and increases your risk of all-cause mortality, so clearly, anything that increases calcification and stiffening of your arteries is wisely avoided.  Statins seem to fall into this category.
These disturbing findings come right on the heels of another study published in the journal Diabetes Care,2 which discovered that type 2 diabetics with advanced atherosclerosis who are frequent statin users have significantly higher amounts of coronary artery calcification compared to less frequent users of the drug.
So much for statins being the answer for diabetics... Diabetes is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, which is why many diabetics are prescribed a statin drug to reduce their risk. Alas, as these studies show, statins actually accelerate the progression of disease!
Making matters worse, statins have also been shown to significantly increase your risk of developing type 2 diabetes3 if you don't have it already. This is a risk everyone needs to be aware of. In one study, statins increased the risk of type 2 diabetics in postmenopausal women by 48 percent.
Few People Really Benefit from a Statin Drug
Statins, can be one of the most unnecessary drugs on the market. A small group of people with familial hypercholesterolemia, a genetic defect that causes cholesterol levels above 325-350, do seem to benefit from statins. However, this is a relatively uncommon genetic problem.
The fact that one in four Americans over the age of 45 is now taking a statin drug as a form of "preventive medicine" does not bode well when you consider the massive increases in disease risk these drugs are now associated with. It's downright shocking that doctors are so slow to realize the potential damage inflicted on their patients for no reward at all.
The research that led to statins being heavily promoted as a form of primary prevention of heart disease and stroke was funded by AstraZeneca, the maker of Crestor. Since the release of that study in 2008, none of their claims have turned out to hold water in subsequent research. On the contrary, as the two featured studies show, they actually worsen cardiovascular disease progression. The drugs also come with an avalanche of other potential side effects, which tend to be dose dependent.5 In fact, as of 2009 there were well over 900 studies proving their adverse effects, which run the gamut from muscle problems to increased cancer risk. One of the primary mechanisms of harm appears to be CoQ10 depletion. If you take statin drugs you need to supplement it with CoQ10

Statin drugs work by preventing the formation of cholesterol and reduce LDL cholesterol, which is considered the "bad" cholesterol. There is no argument that these drugs can effectively lower your cholesterol levels. However, what has NOT been proven is that they significantly lower your risk of dying from heart disease. In no way, shape or form do they treat the underlying cause of your problem. They are nothing more than a toxic band-aid.

So just what makes statins so dangerous, and why are they not the answer for managing your cholesterol levels?
Conveniently enough, a healthy diet is also the answer for type 2 diabetes, so by focusing on what you eat, you're treating both your diabetes and your cholesterol levels, and reducing your associated risk of heart disease.
Again, if you're on a statin drug, you MUST take at least 100-200 mg of ubiquinol or CoQ10 per day. Ubiquinol is also beneficial for those not taking statins. If you're not on a statin drug, the amount of CoQ10 or ubiquinol you might need depends on how sick you are. The sicker you are, the more you need. As a general guideline if you're not ill, taking 50-100 mg per day would probably be sufficient. If you're over the age of 70, double that dose, or up to 200 mg per day. This is because your natural CoQ10 levels begin to drop after the age of 40, and by the age of 70, levels begin to precipitously drop.
Ideally, you'll want to split the dose up to two or three times a day, rather than taking it all at once, as this will result in higher blood levels. Other dosing guidelines include:
How to Help Lower Your Cholesterol Naturally

There's really virtually NO reason to take statins and suffer the consequences from these ill-conceived drugs. If you truly want to normalize your cholesterol levels, following these simple lifestyle changes can help get you there:

·         First, normalize your insulin levels by eliminating sugar (particularly fructose) and grains.

·         Take a high-quality animal-based omega-3 supplement, such as krill oil.

·         Eat a good portion of your food raw (ideally organic to avoid agricultural chemicals).

·         Regular exercise is another important tool. When you exercise you increase your circulation and the blood flow throughout your body. The components of your immune system are also better circulated, which means your immune system has a better chance of fighting an illness before it has the opportunity to spread.

·         Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol excessively.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Reasons to quit Smoking....

There are many other good reasons to quit smoking:

  • You'll set a good example for your children
  • Your smoking will no longer affect the health of people around you
  • You'll have more money to save or to spend on other things - a pack of cigarettes a day adds up to more than $3000 a year!
  • You'll have more energy to do the things you love
  • You'll pay lower life insurance premiums
  • Cigarettes will no longer control your life
  • Fungicides and pesticides -- Cause many types of cancers and birth defects.
  • Cadmium -- Linked to lung and prostate cancer.
  • Benzene -- Linked to leukemia.
  • Formaldehyde -- Linked to lung cancer.
  • Nickel -- Causes increased susceptibility to lung infections.
  • ·         There are more than 4,000 ingredients in a cigarette other than tobacco. Common additives include yeast, wine, caffeine, beeswax and chocolate. Here are some other ingredients:   Ammonia: Household cleaner
    Angelica root extract: Known to cause cancer in animals
    Arsenic: Used in rat poisons
    Benzene: Used in making dyes, synthetic rubber
    Butane: Gas; used in lighter fluid
    Carbon monoxide: Poisonous gas
    Cadmium: Used in batteries
    Cyanide: Deadly poison
    DDT: A banned insecticide
    Ethyl Furoate: Causes liver damage in animals
    Lead: Poisonous in high doses
    Formaldehiyde: Used to preserve dead specimens
    Methoprene: Insecticide
    Megastigmatrienone: Chemical naturally found in grapefruit juice
    Maltitol: Sweetener for diabetics
    Napthalene: Ingredient in mothballs
    Methyl isocyanate: Its accidental release killed 2000 people in Bhopal, India in 1984
    Polonium: Cancer-causing radioactive element
Other benefits
Less stress
Once they have stopped smoking for a few months, heavy smokers tend to rate themselves as less stressed
There is evidence that nicotine, far from helping relieve stress, may actually cause it in smokers.
It's thought smokers go into nicotine withdrawal between cigarettes, and it's the satisfaction of the nicotine craving that creates the perception of stress-relief.
More time

The extra time you gain is an advantage that comes as a surprise to many smokers.
Most people don't think about the amount of time and energy they devote to worrying about where and when to buy tobacco, buying it, going to smoke and smoking.
Sense of achievement

It's incredibly satisfying to set a goal and then achieve it, particularly when the journey is a difficult one and you've had to overcome obstacles.

Many ex-smokers are rightly proud of their achievement in staying quit, and this feeling of success can be great for your self-esteem
During the early days and weeks of your quit, it's a good idea to set realistic goals instead of thinking 'I must quit now and forever', just say to yourself 'I'm not going to smoke at all today'.
You can increase your motivation if you reward yourself at lots of milestones along the way – for example reaching one day quit, then three, then a week, two weeks, a month, etc. Many small victories will build your confidence.

Gaining control

One of the most difficult things about stopping smoking is learning how to resist the urge to smoke.

When you first stop you'll find cravings come regularly and can be intense, but usually disappear within a couple of minutes.

Craving is a bit like a well-developed muscle – once you stop using the muscle, it will eventually wither or shrink. You help this process every time you conquer a craving.

By learning to cope with cravings, you win on all fronts: the cravings subside and you start to regain control over your addiction.

A new side to your personality

Giving up smoking can uncover new aspects of your personality.

As part of understanding what triggers the urge to smoke, many smokers end up with a better idea of what makes them stressed, angry, happy or bored.

Learning to handle new situations and overcoming obstacles can also help you develop personally.

Brought to you By the Staff and Practitioners at Family First Chiropractic and Wellness, 142 Erickson drive

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Vaginal Delivery Pros

The Pros to Vaginal Delivery

·         This is the more natural way to give birth. Your body is naturally equipped to give birth vaginally without medical intervention. Labor starts with your cervix dilating, and it ends with a newborn baby.

·         Women have a sense of empowerment and accomplishment after a vaginal birth.

·         Shorter hospital stay after a vaginal birth.

·         You have a quicker recovery time with a vaginal birth, and you will have less postpartum pain.

·         Your baby is less likely to have certain respiratory problems, including transient tachypnea of the neonate, or TTN, (fluid in the newborn's lungs).

·         infants born vaginally are also at decreased risk of persistent pulmonary hypertension 

·         Infants born vaginally are less likely to develop asthma, food allergies, and lactose intolerance later in life. This may be due to being exposed to beneficial bacteria in the birth canal.

·         In future pregnancies, labor may be shorter and move along quicker.

·         Mothers who deliver vaginally are able to breastfeed immediately and more effectively, than women with c-sections.

  • After a vaginal birth, it may be easier to bond with your infant because you can have immediate contact with him or her.

·         You are at a decreased risk of maternal hemorrhage, blood clots, and damage to your internal organs

·         Important organs such as the baby’s brain, lungs and liver ares till developing and growing at dramatic rates

·         Your baby’s eyes and ears are still developing. Babies born too early are more likely to have vision and hearing problems later in life

·         In the last 6 weeks of pregnancy your baby’s brain adds connections needed for balance, coordination, learning, and social functioning. It is during this time that the baby’s brain almost doubles in size

·         Babies born early have a higher chance of developing learning and behavior problems then those babies born at 39-40 weeks

·         Babies born early are more likely to develop breathing problems such as apnea. Apnea is when a baby temporarily stops breathing

·         Babies born early are more at risk for SIDS 

Brought to you by Family First Chiropractic and Wellness, Red Deer
142 Erickson Drive, Red Deer
T4R 2X3 ww.famiy1stchiro.ca


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

What damage does cigarette smiking cause?

Within 20 minutes of smoking that last cigarette, the body begins a series of changes that continues for years.


  • Blood pressure drops to normal.
  • Pulse rate drops to normal.
  • Body temperature of hands and feet increases to normal.


  • Carbon monoxide level in blood drops to normal.
  • Oxygen level in blood increases to normal.


  • Chance of heart attack decreases.
  • 48 HOURS
    • Nerve endings start regrowing.
    • Ability to smell and taste is enhanced.
    • Circulation improves.
    • Walking becomes easier.
    • Lung function increases up to 30%.
    1 TO 9 MONTHS
    • Coughing, sinus congestion, fatigue, and shortness of breath decrease.
    • Cilia regrow in lungs, increasing ability to handle mucus, clean the lungs, and reduce infection.
    • Body's overall energy increases.
    1 YEAR
    • Excess risk of coronary heart disease is half that of a smoker.
    5 YEARS
    • Lung cancer death rate for average smoker (one pack a day) decreases by almost half.
    • Stroke risk is reduced to that of a nonsmoker 5-15 years after quitting.
    • Risk of cancer of the mouth, throat and esophagus is half that of a smoker's.
    10 YEARS
    • Lung cancer death rate similar to that of nonsmokers.
    • Precancerous cells are replaced.
    • Risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, bladder, kidney and pancreas decreases.
    15 YEARS
    • Risk of coronary heart disease is that of a nonsmoker.
Call us for more information at Family First Chiropractic and Wellness, 142 Erickson dr, Red Deer
T4R 2X3


      Thursday, January 3, 2013

      ADD and ADHD

      ADD and ADHD Drugs Having Serious and Sometimes Fatal Effects on Children

      A recent investigation conducted by The Star, newspaper in Canada, unearthed information about 600 children who had serious, sometimes fatal, side effects of drugs used for the symptoms associated with ADD and ADHD. Each of these children went to the hospital, suffered a disability or life-threatening condition, or died. The investigators also discovered that ADHD drugs Strattera and Concerta were “the second- and third-highest suspected causes of reported serious side effects suffered by Canadian kids taking any drug in the past 10 years.” According to The Star, this was worse than any cancer drug, any antipsychotic drug for kids with serious mental illness, and “more than nearly 1,800 other drugs reported to have been the suspected cause of a serious side effect in a Canadian child since 2001.” They also found that “in more than 40 per cent of all cases where a youth thought about suicide, an ADHD drug is listed as the suspected cause.” Here are some examples of the side effects that were reported: • 20 kids became psychotic • 40 kids were depressed • 24 had convulsions • 48 had hallucinations, including 11 cases of kids hearing voices (aka ‘auditory hallucinations’) • 20 overdoses, eight of those intentional • 3 had strokes • 28 had heart problems, including heart attacks • 23 cases of liver damage, some also experienced amnesia, mania, cerebral hemorrhage, suicide ideation and suicide attempts, both successful and unsuccessful. Two hundred of the reports were from the last two years, and some of the children were as young as 4 years old. Also, it is widely acknowledged that this type of incident is grossly under-reported. How many of these things are actually going on is anyone’s guess, but some experts believe the number of events being reported to be about 5 percent of what’s actually happening. ADD and ADHD are not diseases, they are diagnoses given to sets of symptoms. Many of the symptoms can be caused by actual physical conditions such as allergies, toxicities, hormonal imbalances, nutritional deficiencies, and so on. However, when a child exhibits the symptoms, they are likely to be put on the drugs without a thorough investigation of their physical condition. The drugs do not cure or even address the root cause of the problem. The symptoms can also be caused by a number of other situations in the child’s home, school or social life. If your child has the symptoms of ADD or ADHD, have them checked out by a healthcare professional who is trained to thoroughly investigate these problems and find the cause of the symptoms, rather than simply treating them with dangerous drugs.

      Brought to you by Family First Chiropractic and Wellness, 142 Erickson Drive, red Deer

      Tuesday, January 1, 2013

      Quitting smoking, some cigarette info

      top nine most toxic chemicals in cigarettes

      Acetone - A flammable, colorless liquid used as a
      solvent. It's one of the active ingredients in nail polish
      remover. The tobacco industry refuses to say how
      acetone gets into cigarettes.

      Ammonia - A colorless, pungent gas. The tobacco
      industry says that it adds flavor, but scientists have
      discovered that ammonia helps you absorb more
      nicotine - keeping you hooked on smoking.

      Arsenic - A silvery-white very poisonous chemical
      element. This deadly poison is used to make
      insecticides, and it is also used to kill gophers and rats.

      Benzene - A flammable liquid obtained from coal tar
      and used as a solvent. This cancer-causing chemical is
      used to make everything from pesticides to detergent to

      Butane - A hydrocarbon used as a fuel. Highly
      flammable butane is one of the key ingredients in

      Formaldehyde - A colorless pungent gas used in
      solution as a disinfectant and preservative. It causes
      cancer; damages your lungs, skin and digestive system.
      Embalmers use it to preserve dead bodies.

      Lead - A heavy bluish-gray metallic chemical element.
      This toxic heavy metal causes lead poisoning, which
      stunts your growth, and damages your brain. It can
      easily kill you.

      Propylene Glycol - A sweet hygroscopic viscous liquid
      used as antifreeze and as a solvent in brake fluid. The
      tobacco industry claims they add it to keep cheap
      "reconstituted tobacco" from drying out, but scientists
      say it aids in the delivery of nicotine (tobaccos active
      drug) to the brain.

      Turpentine - A colorless volatile oil. Turpentine is very
      toxic and is commonly used as a paint thinner.

      Brought to you by Family First Chiropractic and Wellness, 142 Erickson Drive, Red Deer T4R 2X3