Thursday, January 10, 2013

Vaginal Delivery Pros

The Pros to Vaginal Delivery

·         This is the more natural way to give birth. Your body is naturally equipped to give birth vaginally without medical intervention. Labor starts with your cervix dilating, and it ends with a newborn baby.

·         Women have a sense of empowerment and accomplishment after a vaginal birth.

·         Shorter hospital stay after a vaginal birth.

·         You have a quicker recovery time with a vaginal birth, and you will have less postpartum pain.

·         Your baby is less likely to have certain respiratory problems, including transient tachypnea of the neonate, or TTN, (fluid in the newborn's lungs).

·         infants born vaginally are also at decreased risk of persistent pulmonary hypertension 

·         Infants born vaginally are less likely to develop asthma, food allergies, and lactose intolerance later in life. This may be due to being exposed to beneficial bacteria in the birth canal.

·         In future pregnancies, labor may be shorter and move along quicker.

·         Mothers who deliver vaginally are able to breastfeed immediately and more effectively, than women with c-sections.

  • After a vaginal birth, it may be easier to bond with your infant because you can have immediate contact with him or her.

·         You are at a decreased risk of maternal hemorrhage, blood clots, and damage to your internal organs

·         Important organs such as the baby’s brain, lungs and liver ares till developing and growing at dramatic rates

·         Your baby’s eyes and ears are still developing. Babies born too early are more likely to have vision and hearing problems later in life

·         In the last 6 weeks of pregnancy your baby’s brain adds connections needed for balance, coordination, learning, and social functioning. It is during this time that the baby’s brain almost doubles in size

·         Babies born early have a higher chance of developing learning and behavior problems then those babies born at 39-40 weeks

·         Babies born early are more likely to develop breathing problems such as apnea. Apnea is when a baby temporarily stops breathing

·         Babies born early are more at risk for SIDS 

Brought to you by Family First Chiropractic and Wellness, Red Deer
142 Erickson Drive, Red Deer
T4R 2X3



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