Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Quitting smoking, some cigarette info

top nine most toxic chemicals in cigarettes

Acetone - A flammable, colorless liquid used as a
solvent. It's one of the active ingredients in nail polish
remover. The tobacco industry refuses to say how
acetone gets into cigarettes.

Ammonia - A colorless, pungent gas. The tobacco
industry says that it adds flavor, but scientists have
discovered that ammonia helps you absorb more
nicotine - keeping you hooked on smoking.

Arsenic - A silvery-white very poisonous chemical
element. This deadly poison is used to make
insecticides, and it is also used to kill gophers and rats.

Benzene - A flammable liquid obtained from coal tar
and used as a solvent. This cancer-causing chemical is
used to make everything from pesticides to detergent to

Butane - A hydrocarbon used as a fuel. Highly
flammable butane is one of the key ingredients in

Formaldehyde - A colorless pungent gas used in
solution as a disinfectant and preservative. It causes
cancer; damages your lungs, skin and digestive system.
Embalmers use it to preserve dead bodies.

Lead - A heavy bluish-gray metallic chemical element.
This toxic heavy metal causes lead poisoning, which
stunts your growth, and damages your brain. It can
easily kill you.

Propylene Glycol - A sweet hygroscopic viscous liquid
used as antifreeze and as a solvent in brake fluid. The
tobacco industry claims they add it to keep cheap
"reconstituted tobacco" from drying out, but scientists
say it aids in the delivery of nicotine (tobaccos active
drug) to the brain.

Turpentine - A colorless volatile oil. Turpentine is very
toxic and is commonly used as a paint thinner.

Brought to you by Family First Chiropractic and Wellness, 142 Erickson Drive, Red Deer T4R 2X3



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