Thursday, December 29, 2011

A Dad's perspective Part 3

A Fathers perspective
Home Births Part 3 – Having a baby being born at home is not something that most fathers would ever think would happen in their home. As the expected date got closer, we got things together that we would need to have a comfortable delivery such as blankets, towels, good source if hot water and a kiddie pool. Yes, a small three ring plastic pool that we hoped our baby would enter the world – what were we thinking? Now, of course that made me a bit uneasy at first – is it safe? But think about it – where has that baby been growing all the past 9 months? Isn’t there a bit of fluids there and how has that baby been supplied with oxygen? Then, why worry about water especially when the umbilical cord is still attached? Why shouldn’t the mother feel comfortable during delivery? Happy wife – happy life!
Other thoughts enter your mind – what if there are problems? Isn’t the hospital the safest place to be? Our midwives had full admitting privileges to the hospital in the unlikely event of an emergency. This reassurance along with the superior care that was provided throughout the pregnancy relieved any concerns that I as a father had for the safety of my wife and unborn child. I was secure in the safety of this delivery. Our first son was now 13 days past his expected delivery date in the hottest part of the summer, mom was getting impatient and I was getting anxious and nervous again. Were we going to have a home birth like we planned?
Written by Lyle Johnson B Comm, husband and father.
Family First Chiropractic and Wellness, 142 Erickson Dr.Red Deer

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

A Dad's birth perspective part 2

Written by Lyle Johnson B. Comm husband to Dr. Joelle Johnson at Family First Chiropractic and wellness located at 142 Erickson Drive, Red Deer 403-347-3261

Home Births Part 2 - In 2002, we learned that we were going to have a baby.  Emotions of a typical father ran though me – Pride, Excitement, Happiness and Fear to name a few. My wife, Dr. Joelle Johnson, D.C.  and I had several discussions concerning a home birth versus a hospital birth. Being first time parents, this was a very important and somewhat unsettling decision for me because I thought that parent s don’t use a midwife and nobody is born at home anymore. This was done when hospitals were far away and transportation was difficult or impossible. What about the safety of my wife and child? My reaction was very typical of any parent facing such a decision. After several discussions, research and reassurances from my wife, we decided to hire Blessing Way Midwifery to assist us with a home birth. Even though, my wife is a chiropractor and I was familiar with many aspects of natural health, I must admit that I was still nervous on our first visit to the midwives.
Midwifery was more than the delivery of our babies; it included pre-natal care which was a critical element to ensuring a safe delivery of our children. Regular visits to monitor the size of our growing baby and his heart rate as well as my wife’s health were key components to ensuring that our baby was delivered safely and healthy. I was impressed by the level of knowledge and training of our midwives. They had not taken a six month course from a technical school and put up a sign saying that they were now taking patients. They had gone through years of schooling as a nurse, years of work as a nurse and then years of courses in midwifery as well as assisting dozens and dozens of births in various settings. I thought “Hey, these ladies have as much or more experience than most doctors”. My nervousness about midwives eased.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A Dad's birth experience and perspective-Part 1

A Dad's birth experience, Written By Lyle Johnson B.Comm and father of 3 wonderful boys

Home Births Part 1 -Home births and midwives were common in North America until this past century.  Over time, it became more and more uncommon to give birth to your baby at home with the assistance of midwives over the past several decades with “advancements” in modern medicine.  This trend seems to be reversing as more and more couples are realizing the safety and benefits of a natural birth. Over the next several segments, I will be discussing my experience as a father of 3 boys brought into this world via midwife-assisted water births.
My Background - I was born in a hospital and raised in a large family on a small farm in northern Alberta. Before adulthood, my experience with alternative medicine and natural health products was very limited. As a child, I suffered from tonsillitis constantly and the penicillin that I ingested to fight the infection never seemed to work. Like many families then and now, we trusted what our M.D. told us and did not explore alternative and natural ways of healing. Even though our family was receptive to chiropractic, my knowledge of it was limited to the fact that chiropractors only helped you fix your back – I now know that chiropractic does so much more even starting prior to birth. My experience with home births gave me a much better understanding of the natural way of health and chiropractic. Stay tuned for the following segments explaining our home births.
Lyle is husband to Dr. Joelle Johnson at Family First Chiropractic and wellness located at 142 Erickson Drive, Red Deer 403-347-3261

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Chiropractic Care in Pregnancy

   The body posture changes dramatically through the 9 months of pregnancy. It is easy for us to see the centre of gravity changes, the weight  the baby places increased pressure on the spine and pelvis, and near the end of pregnancy the walk changes—“ the waddle”. This puts enormous demands on the spine and nervous system. Chiropractic adjustments result in an easier pregnancy, relief of low back pain, and can reduce labour time, some studies show up to 50% reduction in labor time. The adjustment puts motion into the spine & pelvis, making the birth easier on both baby and mother. Dr. Joelle Johnson at Family First Chiropractic and Wellness in Red Deer, Alberta would love to answer any questions on your pregnancy and chiropractic care. call 403-347-3261.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Massage facts!

Massage Facts
One in five Americans have had a massage from a massage therapist in the past five years and 13% report receiving one in the past year. This is up 8% from 1997.
* Today, there are more than 60,000 Nationally Certified practitioners that serve millions of consumers.
 * The three most often cited reasons for getting a therapeutic massage are relaxation (27%), relief of muscle soreness, stiffness or spasm (13%), and stress reduction (10%).
* Fifty-four percent of primary care physicians and family practitioners say they would encourage their patients to pursue massage therapy as a complement to medical treatment.
* Massage therapy accounts for 18% of the 425 million visits made to alternative healthcare providers each year.
* In 1999, 52% of American adults thought of massage as "therapeutic," which is up 47% from 1997.
* An estimated 20 million Americans receive massage therapy and bodywork each year, according to the National Institute of Health (NIH).
* Approximately 50,000 massage and bodywork practitioners provide 45 million one-hour therapy sessions each year.
* Two thirds of Americans have tried at least one form of alternative therapy or treatment for medical conditions. 
* Massage therapy is the third most commonly used form of alternative medicine in the U.S., having been tried by 35% of Americans.
* Women are more likely than men to have tried alternative treatment.
* Forty-two percent of Americans have used some type of alternative care in the past.
* Americans make more visits to see alternative therapists than to see primary-care physicians, spending $21.2 billion.
* The number of massage practitioners in the U.S. is between 120,000 and 160,000.
* Massage and bodywork therapy is sought out by a large number of people in age brackets: 18-24 (22%); 25-34 (31%); 35-44 (25%); 45-54 (22%); 55-64 (19%); and over 65 (9%).
* The most important driver to try an alternative treatment is a recommendation from a friend or family member, which leads 62% of their patients to these providers.
Our experienced massage therapists at Family First Chiropractic and Wellness are happy to help you, please call 304-347-3261  to book an appointment today.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

More Business of Being Born Screening-Jan 7, 2012

A must see moving for all expecting parents. This Sequel to the Business of Being Born is an amazing educational documentary on birth in America. The movie Exploring your birth options C/sections, Doulas and Birth Centers with been shown FREE of charge to Central Alberta parents on Jan 7, 2012 4-10pm at the Capri Hotel/Sheraton hotel Red Deer. Movie starts at 6:30. There will be a trade show from 4-10 on parenting,pregnancy and birthing information in central alberta. The first movie was hosted by Dr. Joelle Johnson in 2008 with an overwhelming attendance. This event is hosted by Family First Chiropractic and Wellness located at 142 Erickson Dr. Red Deer 403-347-3261

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Touch is an AMAZING power.

Jeannette Raskin, Dr, Sephen Kelly,Chelsea Brausen,
Michaelle de Ruiter,Dr. Joelle Johnson(R-L)
The Healing Power of touch.
INTERESTING FACTS ON TOUCH: ~Touch is the first sense to develop in humans, and may be the last to fade ~there are approximately 5 million touch receptors in our skin-- 3000 in a finger tip ~a touch of any kind can reduce the heart rate and lower blood pressure~touch stimulates the release of endorphins (the body's natural pain killers) which is why a mother's hug for a child's skinned knee can literally make it better ~people with eating disorders who receive massage three time a day for ten day's, gain weight faster and got out of the hospital six days sooner than those who don't

~elderly people who massage surrogate grandchildren report higher-esteem and better moods
German emperor Frederick II, took a number of newborns from their mothers and gave them to nurses who fed them but did not cuddle or talk to them. All of the babies died before they could talk. Fredrick concluded "They could not live without petting."
~In the early 1990's, Romania, thousands of infants were put in orphanages, they were left in their cribs for two years, all alone. They were found to be severely impaired.
~Duke Professor Saul Schanberg found that rat pups separated from their parents for 45 minutes underwent major internal changes including a large drop in growth hormones. Injections of growth hormones didn't help. But when someone stroked them with a wet paintbrush-- mimicking their mothers tongue--the hormone levels went back up.
Family First Chiropractic and Wellness has chiropractic, craniosacral therapy and massage therapy. Let our practitioners use their helaing touch on you and your family 403-347-3261 to book an appointment. We are located at 142 Erickson Drive Red Deer.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Sydney Crosby and Chiropractic

Re-posted by Family First Chiropractic and Wellness and written by Crystal Jabs, Chiropractic Assistant, located at 142 Erickson Dr, Red Deer.  Dr. Joelle Johnson and Dr. Stephen Kelly

Chiropractic Care for NHL Star
Earlier this year, Pittsburgh Penguins NHL superstar, Sydney Crosby, severely injured his head two times in the matter of one week. Both hits eventually lead to a severe concussion, which left Crosby with constant dizziness, light sensitivity, balance issues and extreme headaches. Needless to say, Pittsburgh was forced to finish the season without its star player. For many weeks following the incident, Crosby spent his time at multiple doctor offices, exhausting every effort trying to find a cure for his symptoms. After spending 6 months discouraged, Crosbys’ trainer, Andy O’Brien, received a recommendation to send the Penguins star to Ted Carrick, a sports chiropractor of the stars “literally”. After many days of waiting, Carrick decided to make an exception to his extremely full schedule and fit Crosby in.

Many weeks were spent together getting Crosby ready for the upcoming season. Drills and tests were run to see how well Crosby was responding to different movements. Crosby claims, “My eyes felt like muscles that hadn’t been used in months”.  After extensive, non-medicated treatment, Crosby is ready to return to the ice with his team for the upcoming season. Special thanks goes out to Dr.Carrick who took in a case that other doctors had given up on. Without Dr. Carricks, specialized, un-medicated approach, Crosby may still be seeing stars.    October 5, 2011 By Towne Lake Family Chiropractic

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

What is Craniosacral Therapy?

Jeanneatte Raskin RMT,CST
Many pople have heard of Craniosacral therapy but do not understand its powerfull effects on the nervous system and body. Jeannette raskin RMT, CST works at Family First Chiropractic  in Red Deer, Alberta
  • Craniosacraltherapy is a gentle method of detection and correction that encourages your own natural healing mechanisms.
  • Relieves headaches,reduced stress, controls pain and promotes relaxation.
  • It will dissipate negative effects of steess on your central nervous system and you will benefit from better overall health and resistance to disease.
  • The gentle touch of Craniosacral therapy before and after labor allows for a more positive experience for baby's journey and entrance into the world. It may also improve or prevent conditions such as colic by treating the newborn as well.
  • treatment of ADD and ADHD is very effective with CST.
  • Jeanneatter Raskin is located at 142 Erickson Drive, Red Deer, Alberta T4R 2C3 403-347-3261 to book an appointment today.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Massage for circulation

Massage for Circulation

Massage facilitates circulation because the pressure created by the massage technique actually moves blood through the congested areas. The release of this same pressure causes new blood to flow in. The squeezing and pulling also flushes lactic acid from the muscles and improves the circulation of the lymph fluid which carries metabolic waste away from muscles and internal organs.
Written by Michaelle de Ruiter R.M.T. Michalle practices at Family First Chiropractic located at 142 Erickson Drive in Red Deer. 403-347-3261.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Are you balanced?

Dr. Stephen Kelly
Contraction. Relaxation. This is the basic mechanism of muscular action. Problems develop when there's too much of one or the other. In most cases, too much contraction/ spasm is the culprit.
Persistent muscular contraction in the lower back or neck, for example, leads to a cascade of negative effects. Toxic metabolic end-products - including lactic acid - accumulate. These small molecules irritate local nerve endings and cause ongoing or intensified pain. Muscle spasm results which narrows local blood vessels. Too little blood reaching the area deprives tissues of oxygen and other important nutrients. Cellular damage results with further build-up of noxious metabolites.
Chiropractic treatment encourages a return to normal muscle balance by restoring normal spinal alignment. Spasmodic muscles are enabled to relax by relieving the underlying problem/ irritation. Blood vessels can now supply appropriate amounts of oxygen and nutrients. Metabolic waste is removed. Vitality is restored and pain resolves. Spinal muscles and spinal joints return to operating in a natural rhythm. Written by Dr. Stephen Kelly. Dr Kelly practices at Family First Chiropractic and Wellness located at 142 Erickson drive in Red Deer, Alberta. 403-347-3261

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Weight loss and massage

Weight Loss Massage
Michaelle de Ruiter R.M.T
When a body massage improves your circulation, nutrients in your body are also supplied to your muscles in a more efficient manner. This is why a post work out body massage is often recommended by many weight loss experts. After strenuous exercise your muscles become in need of oxygen and essential nutrients in order to recover and grow. Well-maintained muscles are able to help you burn calories even if you are at rest. A massage can also boost the flexibility and range of motion of your muscles, enabling them to burn more calories when you work out. A massage can directly help with weight loss by breaking up the fats located in your subcutaneous tissues.
Michaelle de Ruiter works at Family First Chiropractic as a massage therapist in Red Deer, call 403-347-3261 to book today. Located at 142 Erickson Dr.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

A baby's mishapen head is not just aesthetics

Baby's Mishapen Head is Not Just Aesthetics
This blog was forwarded to you by Family First Chiropractic and Wellness in Red Deer, Alberta, 403-347-3261
written by Dr Jennifer Barham-FloreaniB.App.Clin.Sci, B.Chiropractic
Dated: 02 November,2011

Have you noticed that your baby or infant has a flat spot on their head? That the overall head shape seems uneven? It may be worth a little more attention…

Sometimes parents of young children ask if there is anything we (chiropractors) can do regarding their child’s head shape. Intricately understanding the nervous system and the impact a misshapen head can have on the function and the brain and nerve feedback chiropractors remind parents there are other issues at hand and not just the visual appearance of the child’s head.

It is important to appreciate that a misshapen head is not merely a cosmetic issue; it is most likely a brain stem issue. If your child’s head looks uneven or you notice flat areas, this may indicate restrictions between the skull and the soft layers that cover the brain and spinal cord. A healthy brain requires good movement of the skull and spine; when this movement is impaired, brain and nerve function are also impaired.1

Sometimes children have nerve and spinal distress that results in their head being tilted to one side so that one ear sits higher than the other (refer to picture below). At other times a child’s head may be rotated or turned more to one side, so that they display a preference for having their head turned this way.

There is a myth that an odd-shaped child’s head is of no concern and will ‘right itself’ with time, however, anomalies of shape may be one of the first indications that your child is susceptible to developmental delay.1,2

How would a child’s skull and spine get out of shape?

1) Lack of Alignment of the Mothers Pelvis

Literature shows that misalignments of the spine and skull may be caused during pregnancy due to a mother’s pelvic distortion (misalignment of the bones of the pelvis) or the position of the baby within the uterus. Previous accidents (e.g. motor vehicle, cycling), falls (e.g. off horses, down stairs) or poor postures may have allowed the joints in the mother’s pelvis to move into awkard positions. When the joints of a mother’s pelvis do not sit correctly, the layers of muscles, ligaments and other connective tissue that surround a growing baby are pulled out of shape, creating an uneven tightening of the uterus and limiting how a baby moves within the pelvis. As a baby grows bigger their movement may become signi?cantly inhibited as the tissues become more restrictive.

As a baby grows bigger this restriction of movement creates more distress for the developing spine and nervous system.

2) Birth Trauma

Spine and nerve distress can arise from restricted or abnormal positioning in the uterus and also from the journey through the birth canal or during the delivery process itself.

According to Gutmann,3 a researcher who examined the effects of the birth process, “the trauma from the birth process remains an under-publicized and therefore signi?cantly under-treated problem.”

There are many factors that can cause birth trauma, including false labour, a long or very short labour, failure of the mother’s cervix to dilate, the use of drugs to increase contraction intensity, the use of vacuum extraction or forceps, caesarean section delivery, cord around the baby’s neck and foetal distress.

While nerve irritation can be caused with assisted deliveries, even straightforward vaginal births can create vertebral subluxations if the baby’s head and neck are not tucked under fully to allow for even distribution of the forces associated with labour contractions.

3) Other Physical Traumas

A newborn’s spine is extremely vulnerable and poor handling by adults or older siblings may be another cause for vertebral subluxation. In fact, subluxations occur throughout life, particularly as we learn how to walk, ride and climb. Other physical causes for subluxations include accidents during contact sports, activities such as skate-boarding and sur?ng, sustained postures with electronic
equipment and poor posture in general.

It is best—whether your child’s head is odd-shaped or not and whether their head sits unevenly or not—to have their skeletal system checked as early as possible by a chiropractor or osteopath. A chiropractor’s focus is not aesthetics; their aim is to help increase the neurological function of your child.

“If young bodies are in bad shape, what about the brains that are attached to them?”
—Jane Healey PhD

Dr Jennifer Barham-Floreani
B.App.Clin.Sci, B.Chiropractic

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Drink water after a massage!

Drinking water after a massage  is often recommended by massage therapists and other health care practitioners, for a variety of reasons. In fact, drinking water in general is a good idea, as the body benefits from proper hydration, and consuming water will help the kidneys and other organs process the various substances which move through the human body on a regular basis. Drinking water before a massage is also highly recommended, as it will make it easier for the massage therapist to perform deep work by hydrating the muscles so that they are easier to manipulate. Water after a massage helps the body flush out any accumulated materials in the muscles which were released during the massage. Especially in the case of deep tissue massage, massage stimulates circulation in the body while expressing water, salt, and other minerals from the muscles, and circulation is designed to carry away waste materials generated by cells. By providing the body with plenty of water, massage clients can help sweep away these waste materials; otherwise, they might build up, causing muscle aches and soreness after a massage.

Most importantly, people should drink water after a massage because massage can be dehydrating. The manipulation of the muscles depletes them of water, and also moves the fluid in the interstitial spaces between the muscles around. By drinking water, people can rehydrate their muscles, reducing the potential for pain and soreness in the days following a massage. For the same reason, people drink water after exercise and other forms of exertion, because when the muscles are worked, they lose water and electrolytes.

Chelsea Brausen R.M.T. is located at Family First Chiropractic and Wellness in Red Deer.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

How massage helps with your health

Health Benefits of Massage by Michaelle de Ruiter RMT

  • Helps Fight Infection—Massage increases the activity of white blood cells that target and destroy infectious agents. With regular massage, the immune system is strengthened rather than stimulated and it becomes more robust.
  • Modulates Immune Function—Massage strengthens the immune system, restoring balance. Massage increases antibody production in immune deficiency and reduces autoantibody production in autoimmune disease.
  • Benefits Autoimmune Diseases—Besides reducing autoantibody production, massage reduces the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, which are responsible for inflammation and pain.
  • Reduces Pain in Arthritis---Besides reducing production of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor alpha, massage increases production of anti-inflammatory cytokines, effectively reducing inflammation and pain.
  • Reduces Depression—Massage increases the production of both endorphins and serotonin. Increased levels of these biochemicals effectively reduce symptoms of depression and contribute to wellbeing.
  • Improved Circulation—By stimulating blood flow to the body’s organs, massage improves circulation. With improved circulation, red blood cells are better able to transport nutrients to the body’s other cells.
  • Stimulation of the Lymphatic System—The lymphatic system is comprised of the thymus gland, tonsils, spleen, adenoids, lymph nodes and lymph fluid as well as lymphatic vessels. The lymphatic vessels carry clear lymph fluid that circulates throughout the body, removing waste products, degenerated cells, and accumulations of fats and proteins. Lymph vessels lie beneath the surface of the skin and are stimulated by massage. This results in improved lymphatic circulations.
Michaelle de Ruiter, Chelsea Brausen and Jeannette Rraskin CST  are massage therapists at Family First Chiropractic and Wellness in Red Deer, Alberta 403-347-3261 to book an appointment

    Tuesday, November 8, 2011

    Are your kids carrying too much?

    My children carry back packs to school, how does this affect their backs?

    Dr Joelle Johnson
    Most children carry backpacks to school.  A rule is for the child to only carry a maximum of 10% of their body weight (an 80 pound child should only carry a MAXIMUM of 8 pounds).  Look in your child’s pack and see if there are items that are not necessary to carry daily to reduce the weight.  The way your child carries the pack is also very important, both shoulders straps need to be used to balance the weight across the shoulders and back properly.  If there is a waist strap this should be utilized to maintain a proper center of gravity. There has been a higher incidence of back and neck pain due to backpack use in school children and teens.  The added stress to the spine can result in subluxation and put stress on the nervous system.
    Dr Joelle Johnson is located at Family First Chiropractic and Wellness, 142 Erickson drive, Red Deer, 403-347-3261

    Thursday, November 3, 2011

    How is your circulation?

    Michaelle de Ruiter RMT

    Massage for Circulation by Michaelle de Ruiter R.M.T.

    Massage facilitates circulation because the pressure created by the massage technique actually moves blood through the congested areas. The release of this same pressure causes new blood to flow in. The squeezing and pulling also flushes lactic acid from the muscles and improves the circulation of the lymph fluid which carries metabolic waste away from muscles and internal organs.
    Michaelle de Ruiter practices massage therapy at Family First Chiropractic and Wellness in Red Deer, Albert 403.347.3261

    Tuesday, November 1, 2011

    Headaches are a pain in the neck!

    Many people seek Chiropractic care for headaches and are tired of taking drugs for them. The side effects of some drugs can be hard on other parts of your body. Chiropracitic care is a conservative painless, drugless tratment of a problematic nerve and muscular system. Beneficial results are acheived with the adjustments to the spine,specifically the neck. Seek Chiropractic care to get to the cause of the problem, Dr Joelle Johnson is located at Family First Chiropractic and Wellness, 142 Erickson Drive, Red Deer 403-347-3261

    Tuesday, October 25, 2011

    Ever wonder how a chiropractor adjusts children and babies?

    Babies and children have a smaller body shape & size, therefore needing unique care for their spines and nervous system.  Birth is a difficult process for the baby and commonly they have irritation  in their upper neck.  When adjusting a young infant no more than 4 – 6 ounces of pressure is used to correct the spine.  Babies and children enjoy this type of gentle adjustment and often many sleep throughout their treatment.  Other areas of childhood such as rolling over, sitting, crawling,learning how to stand and walking can also cause irritation to the spine and nervous system which can result in problems in childhood. Dr. Joelle Johnson in this picture is adjusting a 3 year old with an Activator, a gentle low force technique.We are located at Family First Chiropractic and Wellness, in Red Deer, Alberta 403-347-3261

    Thursday, October 20, 2011

    Are you dehydrated?

    Dr Joelle Johnson
    About three quarter of our population is dehydrated. With our lifestyles having a fast pace our bodies under go huge stressors, caffeine in coffee and pop (diuretics) are often involved. Lack of water or dehydration is one of the triggers of daytime fatigue, fuzzy short-term memory, and difficulty focusing on the computer screen. Dehydration will slow ones metabolism and the thirst mechanism in Canadians is so weak it is often mistaken for hunger. Drinking 5 or more glasses of water per day decreases the risk of many cancers such as colon, breast and bladder cancer. It also helps to slow down the aging process and reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. The chiropractors Dr. Joelle Johnson and Dr. Stephen Kelly at Family First Chiropractic and Wellness in Red Deer know that water is the largest single component of the body; it takes nutrients to cells and is the medium for all reactions of the body. Most of our population does not get enough water in our diets, 8-10, 8 ounce glasses per day is strongly recommended.

    Tuesday, October 18, 2011

    Who is a dog lover/owner?

    Brought to you by Chelsea Brausen, RMT. Chelsea is a massage therapist located at Family First Chiropractic and Wellness in Red Deer, Alberta.

    Who is a dog owner/lover out there?? Massage isn’t just for us humans, in just ten minutes a day you can give your dog a “maintenance” massage. This is one way you can add to the length and quality of your pet’s life. Use a flat palm to slowly touch all the parts of your dog’s body. Really focus on what you are feeling and pay attention to all the layers from hair to skin, fat, muscle, and down to bone. Meanwhile, Spot the dog is basking in the attention and loving the extra “petting". 
    CALMING YOUR NERVOUS OR ANXIOUS DOG You hear the thunder rolling in amidst those very dark ominous clouds and your  dog begins to whimper, roll his eyes, and pant. Under the bed he goes or into that safe spot in the closet. Is there anything you can do to reduce his stress? Massage may be the answer. 
    Massage therapists use a stroke similar to petting to relax the nervous system. Lightly rest the flat palm of your hand on top of your dog’s head or neck. Make long, sweeping passes along the length of the spine and down the tail. Repeat this several times slowly. You can gradually increase your pressure if your dog likes it. Do not press straight down on the lower part of the back. To finish, allow one hand to rest at the base of your pet’s head and the other hand to rest over the area of the pelvis (the high point over your dog’s hips). These two areas correspond to the part of the spinal cord that controls the rest and relaxation responses of the body (for example, sleep, digestion, and tissue repair). This technique is useful any time your dog is nervous or fearful such as during nail trimming or vaccinations, or when he is hyperactive or restless. Your pets need TLC, comfort, and love just as we humans do. So be kind to Spot and spend a few extra minutes a day with him massaging those animal woes. Retrieved from Northwest School of Animal Massage
     Find Chelsea Brausen here for more information

    Thursday, October 13, 2011

    Consumer Reports Survey 2011
    Chiropractic care out-performed all other back pain and neck pain treatments in a new 2011 Consumer Reports alternative therapies survey. Respondents were asked to indicate the treatment used and whether it helped for particular conditions. 65% of chiropractic patients indicated chiropractic “helped a lot” for back pain, well above prescription medication, deep-tissue massage and over-the-counter medication. Chiropractic treatment also scored high for neck pain (64%), headache and migraine treatments (77%), and osteoarthritis treatments (53%).Dr. Stephen Kelly practices chiropractic at Family First Chiropractic and Wellness in Red Deer, Alberta.

    Tuesday, October 11, 2011

    Benefits of Prenatal Massage during Pregnancy by Michaelle de Ruiter RMT

    Studies indicate that massage therapy performed during pregnancy can reduce anxiety, decrease symptoms of depression, relieve muscle aches and joint pains, and improve labor outcomes and newborn health. Massage therapy addresses different needs through varying techniques, one of which is called Swedish Massage, which aims to relax muscle tension and improve lymphatic and blood circulation through mild pressure applied to the muscle groups of the body. Swedish Massage is the recommended prenatal massage method during pregnancy because it addresses many common discomforts associated with the skeletal and circulatory changes brought on by hormone shifts during pregnancy. Our clinic Family First Chiropractic and Wellness provides this technique and allows mom to lay on the stomach while being properly supported.
    Michaelle de Ruiter, RMT practices massage therapy at Family First Chiropractic and Wellness in Red Deer, Alberta.

    Thursday, October 6, 2011

    Looking for a family friendly clinic?

    Red Deer chiropractor Dr. Joelle Johnson and the staff at Family First Chiropractic and Wellness want you to become part of our family. We offer a variety of Red Deer chiropractic services including massage therapy, craniosacral therapy, orthotics and chiropractic treatment for:
    We are also a Red Deer pregnancy chiropractor that provides pre-natal care, babies and children's chiropractic care.Our other services include Ideal Protein Weight Loss diet, natural health products, nutritional information, a monthly health newsletter and much, much more 403.347.3261.

    Wednesday, October 5, 2011

    Welcome To Our Blog

    Family First Chiropractic and Wellness is committed to helping our patients obtain optimal health so we are introducing a blog for you to read some interesting bits of information to help you.

    The blogs may include information about chiropractic, massage therapy, craniosacral therapy, weight loss, orthotics, natural health products or any number of things.

    We welcome you to read our blog and forward it to others who you think would enjoy our articles.

    Visit us at

    Cheers to you and better health!!

    Family First Chiropractic & Wellness
    142 Erickson Drive, Red Deer, Alberta, T4R 2C3